10 Best formulas in Excel

Excel has provided a vast formula to perform different operations.

1. Sum

Used for adding numbers


Sum(Number 1, Number 2.,Number 9) or SUM( Starting location of data: Last location of data)


sum(20,30,40) = 20+30+40 = 90

=SUM(A1:A8) = add all numbers updated in column A from row 1 to 8

=SUM(A1:B8) = add all numbers updated in column A and column B from row 1 to row 8.

2. Count

Used to count numbers in the selected range.


COUNT( Value 1, Value 2, …. , Value N) or COUNT(First cell of data range: Last cell of data range)


COUNT(B1:B16) is equal to the count of numerical data points in column B from row 1 to row 16.

3. Average

Used to average/mean of the given set. I,e the sum of all data points divided by the count of data points.


AVERAGE(Value 1, Value 2…., Value N) or COUNT (First cell of data range: Last cell of data range)


=AVERAGE( B1:B16) = SUM( B1:B16)/COUNT(B1:B16)

This function will not consider empty cells and non-numeric cells.

4. IF Function

IF function is used to perform the required action if a predefined condition is either TRUE or FALSE.

IFERROR is used to manage error evaluated while performing another function.


If ( Logical condition, Value_if_true, Value_if_false)

IfERROR(value, value_if_error)

For example if Function to return True or False =IF(B4>30,"True","False")


used to find a required value in a table in a corresponding referred now


VLOOKUP(Lookup_value, table_array,col_index_num),[range_lookup]


Let's look up the price of Volvo from the following list. Use =VLOOKUP(A11,A1:B8,2,FALSE)

6. Offset

Returns a reference to a range that is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range of cells.


OFFSET(reference, rows, cols,[height],[width])


7. COUNT employees

From the data, calculate the count of data equal to, not equal to, less than, or higher than a given number. COUNTIF can be used.


Cells equal to 20.



MAX will return the largest numeric value of the range, MIN will return the smallest numeric value of the range. They will include only numeric values

MAXIF MINIF will return the largest and smallest values respectively only among the cells.


MAX (Range); MIN(Range);

MAXIF([Max_Range], Criteria Range 1, Criteria Range 2, Criteria Range N)

MINIF [(MIN_Range], Criteria Range 1, Criteria Range 2, Criteria Range N)


Example lets find the largest value =MAX(B2:B16)

9. Round

The ROUND function is used to round numbers to a specified number. ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN can be used to round numbers away from Zero.


ROUND(Number, digit)

ROUNDUP(Number, digit)

ROUNDDOWN(Number, digit)


For Example, let's round down a number to 1 decimal place =ROUNDDOWN(B4,1)

10. Replace

Used to search and replace a character to the text


REPLACE(old_txt, Start num,num_char_to_replace, new text)

For example, let's replace the last 2 characters with an empty string. Use =REPLACE(A2,6,2,"")