20 most important Excel Shortcuts which will impress your Boss

Some workarounds in Excel are tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, many Excel users go for keyboard shortcuts to ease their tasks. Excel can help one to minimize workday tasks. In this article, we shall 20 most important shortcuts in Excel.

1] Find and Paste Tool


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Press CTRL + H keys to open the Find and Replace dialogue box.

2] The Auto sum function


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Enter the dataset you wish to calculate its sum.

3. Click on the cell that will hold the sum. Then, press ALT + = keys.

3] To Select the entire Row/Column


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Click on the cell in the Row/Column you wish to select.

3. To select the entire row, press the SHIFT + SPACEBAR keys.

4. To select the entire column, press the CTRL + SPACEBAR keys.

4] To Apply comment to a cell


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Click on the cell you wish to add the comment to.

3. Press the SHIFT + F2 keys to open the Comment box. Add your comment in the box, and hit the Enter button.

5] To Insert Current Date


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Click on the cell to which you wish to add the current date.

3. Press CTRL +; keys to insert the current date in the selected cell.

6] To Fill Down

The Fill Down tool is used when you want to copy the content in the active cell.


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Click on the empty cell where you want to add the content.

3. Press CTRL + D keys to fill down.

7] To Delete Row/Column


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Locate the Row or Column you want to delete.

3. Press CTRL + – keys to open the Delete dialogue box.

8] To Apply Borders


1. Highlight the dataset you want to apply a border.

2. Press ALT + H + B + A keys.

9] To Copy and Paste


Highlight the dataset and press CTRL + C keys to copy.

Press the CTRL + V keys to paste the dataset.

10] To Save active Worksheet


Locate the Worksheet you want to save.

Press the F12 key to save it.

11] To Close Active Workbook


Press CTRL + W keys to close the active workbook.

12] To Switch to the following Worksheet


Open the Excel Application.

Press CTRL + PgDown keys to move to the next Worksheet.

13] To Open Format Cells Dialogue box


Open the Excel Application.

 Press CTRL + 1 keys.

14] To Start a new line in the same cell


Click on the cell you are working on.

Press the ALT + ENTER keys.

15] To Insert Hyperlink


Click where you want to insert the link.

Press CTRL + K keys.

16] Spelling Check

To run the spell check, press the F7 key.

17] To Open the VBA Window


1. Open the Worksheet you want to add the VBA codes.

2. Press ALT + F11 keys.

18] To Select Entire Worksheet


Open the Worksheet.

Press CTRL + A keys.

19] To open Print Window

Press CTRL + P keys to open the Print Window.

20] To Insert Table


Select the dataset you wish to convert to a table.

Press CTRL + T keys.