Streamline Your Data Analysis with Excel’s COUNTIFS Function: A Step-by-Step Guide

Excel is a top tool for managing and analyzing data. The COUNTIFS function is key for counting data that meets many criteria. It's great for tracking sales, monitoring performance, or analyzing surveys.

In this blog, we'll explore the COUNTIFS function. We'll explain how it works and give examples to help you use it for easier data analysis.

What is the COUNTIFS Function?

COUNTIFS is a function in Excel for counting cells that meet multiple criteria. It's different from COUNTIF, which only takes one condition. COUNTIFS lets you apply several conditions across different ranges.

Syntax of COUNTIFS:

COUNTIFS(range1, criteria1, [range2], [criteria2], …)

  • range1: The first range to apply the criteria to.
  • criteria1: The condition that data in range1 must meet.
  • [range2], [criteria2]: Additional ranges and criteria. You can use up to 127 range-criteria pairs.

Each range can be a column, row, or array. Each criterion can be a number, text, date, or expression.


The COUNTIFS function saves time and effort. It automates counting entries that match multiple conditions. Here's why it's valuable:

  1. Efficiency: It simplifies complex analyses without manual filtering or sorting.
  2. Flexibility: You can apply multiple criteria across different columns, making it suitable for various datasets.
  3. Accuracy: It reduces the chance of human error by automating the counting process.

Practical Examples of COUNTIFS

Let’s look at some examples to see how COUNTIFS works in different scenarios.

Example 1: Counting Sales by Salesperson and Month

Imagine you have a sales data table with:

  • Column A containing the Salesperson's name.
  • Column B containing the Sale Date.
  • Column C containing the Sale Amount.

To count sales by John in February 2025, use this formula:

=COUNTIFS(A2:A100, "John", B2:B100, ">=2025-02-01", B2:B100, "<=2025-02-28")


  • A2:A100 is the range for Salesperson names.
  • "John" is the condition to match.
  • B2:B100 is the range for the Sale Date.
  • The conditions ">=2025-02-01" and "<=2025-02-28" limit the results to sales made in February 2025.

The result will be the count of all sales made by John within that specific date range.

Example 2: Counting Sales Within a Specific Amount Range

Suppose you're tracking the Sale Amount in Column C. To count sales over 100 but under 500, use:

=COUNTIFS(C2:C100, ">100", C2:C100, "<500")


  • C2:C100 is the range of Sale Amounts.
  • The criteria ">100" counts sales greater than 100, while "<500" counts sales less than 500.

This formula will give you the number of sales where the amount was between 101 and 499.

Example 3: Counting Text Values in a Range

If you're managing project tasks and need to count how many tasks have been marked as "Completed" in Column D, you can simply use:

=COUNTIFS(D2:D100, "Completed")


  • D2:D100 is the range where the task status is recorded.
  • "Completed" is the condition we're looking for.

This formula counts how many times the word “Completed” appears in the range.

Example 4: Counting Entries Based on Date Ranges

In a dataset where you have dates of sales, you might need to count how many sales were made in 2024. If the dates are in Column B, you can use:

=COUNTIFS(B2:B100, ">=2024-01-01", B2:B100, "<2025-01-01")


  • B2:B100 is the range of dates.
  • The criteria ">=2024-01-01" and "<2025-01-01" set the date range for the entire year of 2024.

The result will be the number of sales made in 2024.

Combining Multiple Criteria Across Different Columns

One of the great things about COUNTIFS is the ability to combine criteria across different columns. For example, if you want to count how many sales were made by John in February 2025, where the Sale Amount was greater than $200, you can use:

=COUNTIFS(A2:A100, "John", B2:B100, ">=2025-02-01", B2:B100, "<=2025-02-28", C2:C100, ">200")


  • A2:A100 is the range for Salesperson names.
  • B2:B100 is the range for Sale Dates (February 2025).
  • C2:C100 is the range for Sale Amounts (greater than $200).

This formula gives the count of sales made by John in February 2025 where the amount was greater than $200.

Best Practices for Using COUNTIFS

  • Ensure consistency: When using date criteria, make sure your date formats are consistent.
  • Use wildcards for text: If you need to count based on partial matches, use wildcards like * (any number of characters) or ? (a single character).For example, to count all tasks that contain "Complete" in their status:

    COUNTIFS(D2:D100, "*Complete*")

  • Multiple conditions in a range: You can combine multiple conditions within a single range, such as counting numbers greater than a value but less than another:

    COUNTIFS(C2:C100, ">100", C2:C100, "<500")


Excel's COUNTIFS function is a powerful tool for data analysis. It lets you apply multiple criteria across different ranges. This makes your work faster and more accurate.

It's great for analyzing sales data, survey responses, or project statuses. Learning to use COUNTIFS will make your data analysis easier and more efficient.

So, next time you face complex datasets, remember COUNTIFS can help. It streamlines your analysis and supports better, data-driven decisions!