Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Not Equal To

If you're looking to enhance your data calculations in Excel, then you're in the right place. In this article, we will provide you with a step by step guide on how to use Excel VBA code for not equal to. By the end of this guide, you'll be able to take your spreadsheets to the next level, making them more precise and effective.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel VBA code can help enhance data calculations in spreadsheets.
  • This guide provides a step by step process for using not equal to in your Excel VBA code.
  • Proper setup of your Excel workbook is necessary before writing VBA code.
  • Accessing the VBA editor and troubleshooting common issues is also covered in this guide.
  • Following best practices for using not equal to in your Excel VBA code can make your code more efficient and reliable.

Understanding Not Equal To in Excel

Before delving into the world of Excel VBA code, it's essential to have a thorough grasp of the concept of "not equal to" in Excel. Simply put, the "not equal to" operator is used to compare two values in Excel and check if they are different from each other. In contrast to the "equal to" operator, which checks for equality between two values, "not equal to" checks for inequality.

This operator is commonly used in spreadsheet calculations to filter data based on specific conditions. For example, you can use "not equal to" to filter out rows that have certain values, or to count the number of cells that don't match a particular value.

By understanding how the "not equal to" operator works, you can be more efficient in your data analysis and get more accurate results from your Excel spreadsheets.

Examples of Using “Not Equal To” in Excel

Here are a few examples of how you can use the "not equal to" operator in Excel:

Function Description
=A1B1 Returns TRUE if cell A1 is not equal to cell B1, and FALSE if they are equal.
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"0") Counts the number of cells in range A1:A10 that are not equal to zero.
=SUMIF(B1:B5,"Apples",C1:C5) Adds up the values in range C1:C5 corresponding to cells in B1:B5 that are not equal to "Apples".

These examples illustrate the versatility of the "not equal to" operator in Excel and how it can be used in various contexts.

Now that you have a solid understanding of "not equal to" in Excel, you are ready to move on to the next step of implementing it through Excel VBA code.

Setting up your Excel Workbook

Before you start writing the VBA code for not equal to functionality, it's crucial to prepare your Excel workbook correctly. Follow these steps to set up your workbook:

  1. Open a new Excel workbook: First, open a new workbook in Excel with the data you want to analyze.
  2. Create a backup: Create a backup copy of your workbook before writing the code to avoid data loss in case of any errors.
  3. Enable Developer tab: Go to the File tab, click on Options, and select Customize Ribbon. Check the box for Developer to enable it.
  4. Add VBA project: On the Developer tab, click on Visual Basic to add a new VBA project to your workbook.
  5. Save your workbook: Save your workbook with a descriptive name that identifies the data and purpose of the project.

By following these steps, you'll have set up your workbook correctly and created a VBA project ready for code writing.

Accessing the VBA Editor

Before you can write and run VBA code in Excel, you need to access the VBA editor. Fortunately, it's very easy to do so. Here's how:

  1. Open Excel and select the "Developer" tab from the menu bar.
  2. Click on the "Visual Basic" button, which is located in the Code section of the menu.
  3. The VBA editor will open, and you're ready to start working on your code!

That's all there is to it! With just a few clicks, you can access the VBA editor and start creating powerful Excel macros.

Keep in mind that if you don't see the "Developer" tab in your Excel menu bar, you will need to enable it first. Simply go to "Options" > "Customize Ribbon" and check the box next to "Developer" under the "Main Tabs" section.


Step Description
1 Select the "Developer" tab from the menu bar.
2 Click on the "Visual Basic" button located in the Code section of the menu.
3 The VBA editor will open, and you're ready to start working on your code!

Writing the VBA Code for Not Equal To

After understanding the concept of "not equal to" in Excel, it's time to write the VBA code. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the VBA editor: To start, press ALT + F11 on your keyboard to open the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a module: In the VBA editor, insert a new module by clicking "Insert" and selecting "Module."
  3. Write the code: Here's an example of VBA code for not equal to:

Sub VBA_Not_Equal_To()

For Each cell In Range("A1:A10")

If cell.Value <> "Apple" Then

cell.Offset(, 1).Value = "Not Apple"

End If

Next cell

End Sub

The code above uses a for-each loop to check all the cells in range A1:A10 and determines if the cell's value is not equal to "Apple." If it is not equal, then "Not Apple" is written in the cell next to it using the offset method.


If you want to apply the code to a different range, update the range in line 2, and change the comparison value in line 3 to your desired value, such as a number or another text string.

Writing the VBA code for not equal to may seem daunting, but breaking it down like this can help you write efficient and effective Excel VBA code.

Applying the VBA Code to Your Spreadsheet

Now that you've written your VBA code, it's time to apply it to your spreadsheet. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Save a backup copy of your spreadsheet. Before applying the code, save a backup copy of your spreadsheet to ensure that you can easily revert any changes if anything goes wrong.
  2. Open the VBA Editor. To apply your code, you need to open the VBA Editor. Go to the Developer tab and click on "Visual Basic" or press ALT + F11 on your keyboard.
  3. Navigate to the code module. Once in the VBA Editor, navigate to the code module where you have written your not equal to code.
  4. Run the code. To run your code, press F5 on your keyboard or click on the "Run" button in the VBA Editor. Your code will execute and apply the not equal to functionality to your spreadsheet.

With these simple steps, you can now apply your VBA code to your spreadsheet and observe the difference it makes. Try running the code on various sets of data to see the impact of the not equal to functionality.


Let's say you have a dataset that contains information on customer orders. You want to highlight all the orders that are not equal to $100. You've written the VBA code to do so, and now you want to apply it to your spreadsheet. Following the steps mentioned above, you can easily apply the code and see the results:

Order ID Customer Name Order Amount Order Status
1 John Smith $50 Pending
2 Jane Doe $75 Shipped
3 Bob Johnson $100 Pending
4 Susan Taylor $125 Shipped

After applying the not equal to code, the spreadsheet will now only display orders that are not equal to $100:

Order ID Customer Name Order Amount Order Status
1 John Smith $50 Pending
2 Jane Doe $75 Shipped
4 Susan Taylor $125 Shipped

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Although Excel VBA code for Not Equal To can be a powerful tool in understanding your data, it is not without its flaws. Here, we will explore some of the most common issues and errors that you may encounter while working with this code, as well as some solutions to troubleshoot them effectively.

Issue 1: Syntax Errors

Syntax errors can occur if you mistype a word or use the wrong punctuation in your VBA code. It can be frustrating since these errors can stop your code from running. To resolve this issue, double-check your code for any mistakes and make sure that the syntax is correct.

Issue 2: Debugging Errors

Debugging errors in VBA code can be a tedious task, especially when it involves complex spreadsheets. To fix this issue, try using debugging tools in Excel such as the "Debug" button or stepping through your code line by line to identify the error.

Issue 3: Performance Issues

If your VBA code is taking too long to execute, it may be due to performance issues. To optimize your code, consider using simpler formulas or writing more efficient code. For instance, you could use an If statement instead of a complex formula.

Issue 4: Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues may arise if you are using different versions of Excel or if your VBA code contains references to other libraries or tools that are not available on your system. To fix this issue, ensure that you are using the correct Excel version and that any external tools or libraries are properly installed.

"When troubleshooting errors in VBA code, patience and an eye for detail are key."

Best Practices for Using Not Equal To in Excel VBA

Now that you have successfully written and applied your Excel VBA code for not equal to, it's vital to understand some best practices to optimize your code's efficiency and reliability. Here are some valuable tips and tricks:

1. Use Logical Operators Carefully

Logical operators such as "and," "or," and "not" can enhance your VBA code's functionality, but it's essential to use them wisely. Avoid overcomplicating your code by adding too many logical operators, which can make it challenging to debug and maintain.

2. Comment Your Code

Adding comments to your VBA code can make it more readable and understandable, especially when working on a complex project with multiple contributors. It's a good practice to comment on your code's functionality, variables, and input/output parameters to improve code readability and maintenance.

3. Use Error Handling Techniques

Errors in VBA code can cause your program to malfunction and lead to incorrect calculations or data loss. Adding appropriate error handling techniques such as "On Error Resume Next" or "On Error Goto" can help you catch and fix errors efficiently.

4. Optimize Your Code for Performance

Optimizing your VBA code for performance is crucial, especially when working with large datasets. Avoid using unnecessary code constructs such as multiple loops, and use appropriate data types for variables to reduce execution time and improve efficiency.

5. Test Your Code Thoroughly

Thoroughly testing your VBA code is essential before deploying it for production. It's essential to test your code under various scenarios, including different datasets and input parameters, to ensure that it works correctly and produces accurate results.

"Writing code is like writing a story; you want to ensure it's readable, understandable, and free of errors."

By following these best practices, you can enhance your Excel VBA code's functionality, efficiency, and reliability. Now you're prepared to tackle more complex projects using not equal to in Excel VBA.


Congratulations! You have completed our step by step guide on using Excel VBA code for not equal to. With this newfound knowledge, you can now take your data calculations to the next level of efficiency and precision. Remember to follow the best practices we have outlined and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. By applying the VBA code to your spreadsheets, you will unleash the full potential of Excel. Thank you for reading, and happy coding!


What is Excel VBA code?

Excel VBA code refers to programming code written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language that allows users to automate tasks and enhance functionality in Excel spreadsheets.

What does “not equal to” mean in Excel?

In Excel, "not equal to" is a comparison operator used to check if two values are not equal. It returns a logical value of TRUE if the values are not equal and FALSE if they are equal.

How do I set up my Excel workbook for using not equal to?

To set up your Excel workbook for using not equal to, you simply need to open Excel and create a new workbook or open an existing one. Ensure that your data is properly organized and ready for calculations.

How do I access the VBA editor in Excel?

To access the VBA editor in Excel, you can press Alt+F11 on your keyboard or go to the "Developer" tab in the ribbon and click on the "Visual Basic" button.

How do I write VBA code for not equal to in Excel?

Writing VBA code for not equal to in Excel involves using the comparison operator "" between two values. For example, you can use the code "If Range("A1").Value 10 Then" to check if the value in cell A1 is not equal to 10.

How do I apply the VBA code to my Excel spreadsheet?

To apply VBA code to your Excel spreadsheet, you can either run the code directly from the VBA editor or assign the code to a button or a specific event in Excel, such as a button click or a worksheet change.

What should I do if I encounter issues or errors with VBA code?

If you encounter issues or errors with VBA code, you can try debugging the code by using breakpoints, checking for syntax errors, or reviewing the logic of your code. Additionally, you can search for solutions online or seek assistance from the Excel community.

What are some best practices for using not equal to in Excel VBA?

Some best practices for using not equal to in Excel VBA include properly commenting your code for clarity, using meaningful variable names, and organizing your code into modular functions or subroutines. Additionally, it is important to test your code thoroughly before applying it to important data.

What have I learned from this guide on using Excel VBA code for not equal to?

In this guide, you have learned how to use Excel VBA code for not equal to, a comparison operator that allows you to check if two values are not equal. You have also gained insights on setting up your Excel workbook, accessing the VBA editor, writing the VBA code, applying it to your spreadsheet, troubleshooting common issues, and following best practices for optimal usage.