Step-by-Step Guide on Excel for Hours Worked

Excel is great for tracking hours worked. It's useful for payroll, project tracking, or time management. This guide will show you how to set up a worksheet to track hours worked. You'll learn about common formulas and tips for accurate time calculations.

1. Set Up Your Spreadsheet Layout

First, let’s create a basic layout for your Excel sheet. Make a table with columns for each piece of information you need to track.

Example Layout:

Date Start Time End Time Breaks (Minutes) Total Hours Worked
02/18/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 30  
02/19/2025 8:30 AM 4:30 PM 15  
  • Date: The date of the workday.
  • Start Time: The time when the employee starts working.
  • End Time: The time when the employee finishes working.
  • Breaks (Minutes): The total time spent on breaks (lunch, etc.) during the workday.
  • Total Hours Worked: This is the calculated column, showing the total hours worked after accounting for the breaks.

2. Enter Start and End Times

Next, input the start and end times for each day. Make sure the times are in a time format (e.g., 9:00 AM or 5:00 PM). Excel automatically recognizes time values, so you don’t need to do complex calculations manually.

  • For example, if you start at 9:00 AM and finish at 5:00 PM, enter "9:00 AM" in the Start Time column and "5:00 PM" in the End Time column.

3. Calculate Total Hours Worked (Without Breaks)

To find the total hours worked, subtract the start time from the end time. Use this formula in the Total Hours Worked column (for row 2, assuming data starts in row 2):

  • Formula: =B2-C2

This formula subtracts the Start Time (B2) from the End Time (C2). Make sure the cells are formatted as time, and the result will show in hours and minutes.

Note: The result may be in time format (e.g., 8:00 for 8 hours). If you need a decimal number instead, you will need to convert the result.

4. Account for Breaks

Employees often take breaks during the workday. These breaks need to be subtracted from the total time worked. Breaks are usually in minutes. Let’s say an employee takes a 30-minute lunch break.

To subtract the breaks, use the following formula:

  • Formula: = (C2-B2)*24 – (D2/60)

Here’s the breakdown:

  • (C2-B2) subtracts the start time from the end time (this gives you the total time worked in Excel’s time format).
  • *24 converts that time difference from Excel's time format into a decimal number of hours.
  • (D2/60) converts the break time (in minutes) into hours and subtracts it from the total hours worked.

For the above example:

Calculating Total Hours Worked

Calculating total hours worked is key in Excel. It helps track work hours and overtime. Here's how to do it.

1. Start Time (B2): 9:00 AM

Start by entering the start time in a cell, like B2.

2. End Time (C2): 5:00 PM

Then, enter the end time in another cell, like C2.

3. Breaks (D2): 30 minutes

Next, add a cell for breaks, like D2. Enter the break time in minutes.

The formula will subtract the break time from the work hours. This gives you the total hours worked for the day.

5. Formatting Time Results

Excel might show the results as a time, like 7:30. To see them as decimal hours, format the Total Hours Worked column as a number.

To format the Total Hours Worked column as a number:

  1. Select the Total Hours Worked column.
  2. Right-click and choose Format Cells.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog, select Number and choose 2 decimal places.
  4. Click OK.

6. Summing Up Hours Worked for Multiple Days

To find total hours worked over several days, just add up the Total Hours Worked column.

For example, to sum hours worked in a month, use the SUM formula:

  • Formula: =SUM(E2:E6)

This formula adds up the values in the Total Hours Worked column (E2 to E6).

7. Example: A Full Workweek

Let's look at a full workweek example with start and end times, and breaks.

Date Start Time End Time Breaks (Minutes) Total Hours Worked
02/18/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 30 7.5
02/19/2025 8:30 AM 4:30 PM 15 7.25
02/20/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 30 7.5
02/21/2025 8:30 AM 4:30 PM 15 7.25
02/22/2025 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 30 7.5
  • Formula for Total Hours Worked (E2): = (C2-B2)*24 – (D2/60)
  • Formula for summing total hours worked for the week: =SUM(E2:E6) will give a total of 36 hours.

8. Advanced: Handling Overtime

To track overtime, add a column for overtime hours. Use a formula to find overtime if you work more than 8 hours.

Formula for Overtime:
=IF(E2>8, E2-8, 0)

This formula checks if you worked more than 8 hours. If yes, it calculates overtime hours.


Learning to track hours worked in Excel is very useful. It helps you save time and avoid mistakes. This guide showed you how to set up an Excel sheet for tracking hours.

You learned how to include breaks, overtime, and sum up totals. By following these steps, you can manage time tracking well. This ensures your payroll or personal records are accurate.

If you have any questions or need more help, just leave a comment!