How to Make a Letter Equal a Number in Excel

Excel is great for organizing and analyzing data. It's flexible with formulas, making it easy to convert letters to numbers. This is useful for scoring, categorizing, or calculations.

Ever wondered how to turn letters into numbers in Excel? You're in the right place! We'll show you simple ways to do this and how to use them.

Method 1: Using a Simple IF Statement

Using an IF statement is an easy way to convert letters to numbers in Excel. It's perfect for a few letters.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Excel and pick the cell for your result.
  2. Type the IF function. For example, to turn "A" to 1, "B" to 2, and "C" to 3, enter this formula:arduinoCopy=IF(A1="A",1,IF(A1="B",2,IF(A1="C",3,0)))This formula:
    • Uses A1 for the letter to convert.
    • Assigns numbers 1, 2, and 3 to "A", "B", and "C."
    • If it's not one of these, it returns 0.
  3. Press Enter to see the result.

This method is great for a few letters. For more, there are other ways to try!

Method 2: Using the CODE Function

The CODE function is useful for converting letters to their alphabet position. For example, "A" becomes 1, "B" becomes 2, and so on.

To do this:

  1. Use the CODE function:sqlCopy=CODE(UPPER(A1))-64Here's what it does:
    • A1 is the cell with the letter.
    • UPPER makes sure the letter is uppercase.
    • CODE gives the ASCII value of the letter.
    • Subtracting 64 makes "A" equal 1, "B" equal 2, and so on.
  2. Press Enter to see the result.

For example, "C" in A1 will be 3 because "C" is the third letter.

Method 3: Using VLOOKUP for Larger Lists

For big datasets, use a reference table and the VLOOKUP function. Here's how:

  1. Create a Lookup Table: Make a table with letters and their numbers. For example:
    Letter Number
    A 1
    B 2
    C 3
    D 4
  2. Use VLOOKUP: In the cell for the result, use VLOOKUP to find the letter's number.swiftCopy=VLOOKUP(A1, $D$1:$E$26, 2, FALSE)In this formula:
    • A1 is the cell with the letter you want to convert.
    • $D$1:$E$26 is where the lookup table is (adjust as needed).
    • 2 means you want the number from the second column.
    • FALSE makes the lookup exact.
  3. Press Enter to see the result.

This method is great for big data or complex mappings.

Method 4: Using a Custom Function (For Advanced Users)

If you know VBA, you can make a custom function. It's perfect for specific mappings across many sheets or workbooks.

Here’s a simple VBA function example:

  1. Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a Module by clicking Insert > Module.
  3. Enter the following code:vbCopyFunction LetterToNumber(letter As String) As Integer LetterToNumber = Asc(UCase(letter)) – 64 End Function
  4. Close the editor and use the function in Excel like this:Copy=LetterToNumber(A1)

This custom function is like the CODE function but more flexible for extensions or adjustments.


Excel has many ways to turn letters into numbers, whether it's a few letters or a lot. Use simple formulas like IF or CODE, or advanced functions like VLOOKUP or custom VBA functions. This makes converting letters to numbers easy and helps with data analysis.

Try these methods next time you need to map letters to numbers in Excel. Find the best method for your needs!

Have you converted letters to numbers in Excel before? Share your experience or ask about these techniques!