How to make Excel Cells bigger

How to make Excel Cells bigger

It is challenging to work with a poor0formatted spread/worksheet. For example, the cells may be too large or too small in terms of how many decimal places a value may have, or generally the length of the value. This hinders you from seeing the entire value, hence making your work null. There is, therefore, a

How to make Excel File Read Only

How to make Excel File Read Only

Excel is a software program developed by Microsoft that makes use of spreadsheets to organize data with formulas and functions. A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns and this helps in arranging, organizing, and formatting data as well as carrying out numerical calculations. It is capable of carrying out calculations using data in

How to remove Excel Cell Lines

How to remove Excel Cell Lines

Gridlines in Excel are the horizontal and vertical gray lines that differentiate between cells in a worksheet. The gridlines guide users to differentiate between the specific cells and read the data in an organized manner. They are also helpful to users in navigating through the worksheet columns and rows easily. Users would face difficulties reading

How to Update Excel Data Automatically

How to Update Excel Data Automatically

Tired of editing and changing data in excel every day manually?. Well, there are a few tricks you can pull so that the data updates automatically when you add new information. The following will help to update a chart automatically: There is a number of ways to auto-update a chart when you add new data

How to merge columns without losing data

How to merge columns without losing data

One of the problems that occur when merging is loosing of data. Regardless of the excel version in use, when you merge columns of data in excel, only the left column data is kept and the data in the other columns will be deleted. The guide below is going to help you know how you

How to Delete Excel Add-Ins

How to Delete Excel Add-Ins

An Add-in is a file that contains macros. This means that it allows you to extend the functions of Excel applications across various platforms apart from Windows. That is Mac, iPad, and browser. Excel add-ins are mostly stored here C: /Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/AddIns/. Once it is in Microsoft Excel, and Add-in automatically opens itself every time Excel