Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code for Print

In today's digital age, businesses and individuals alike generate vast amounts of data that require efficient management and organization. One of the most popular tools for handling such data is Microsoft Excel, loved and revered for its unmatched capabilities in handling complex tasks. However, with manual operations, productivity may be hindered, thus, requiring automation. This is where Excel VBA comes in handy. Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is an efficient tool that can help automate various tasks in Microsoft Excel, including printing.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide a step-by-step approach on using Excel VBA to automate printing tasks in your spreadsheets. Whether you need to print selected worksheets, set specific print settings, or generate multiple copies of your data, this guide will help you enhance your spreadsheet efficiency by mastering Excel VBA code for print.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel VBA is a powerful tool that can help automate various tasks in Microsoft Excel, including printing.
  • This guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step process on using Excel VBA code for print.
  • Automating printing tasks in your spreadsheets can streamline your workflow and improve efficiency.
  • By mastering Excel VBA code for print, you can create professional-looking printouts tailored to your specific requirements.
  • Excel VBA code for print can help you generate multiple copies of your data, set specific print settings, or even automate the entire printing process to save time.

Introduction to Excel VBA

If you're looking to enhance your spreadsheet efficiency, then knowing Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is crucial. VBA can automate various tasks in Microsoft Excel, making your work quicker, easier, and more efficient. In this section, we will introduce you to the basics of Excel VBA and explain how it can be used for automating print-related functions.

To get started with Excel VBA, you need to access the VBA editor in Excel by using the Developer tab. From there, you can create a new module and start writing your VBA code. The code consists of commands and functions that instruct Excel to perform various tasks on your behalf.

Don't worry if you're new to programming – the syntax of VBA is simple and straightforward. Even with only basic programming knowledge, you can quickly learn how to write VBA code for print-related tasks.

Why Use Excel VBA for Print Related Tasks?

Manually printing documents can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially when you're dealing with large amounts of data or need to modify print options frequently. Excel VBA can help you automate printing operations, enabling you to focus on other work while Excel takes care of printing multiple copies, setting specific print options, and generating professional-looking printouts quickly and easily.

Continue reading to learn how to get started with Excel VBA code for print and how to use it for automating various tasks in Microsoft Excel.

Getting Started with Excel VBA Code

If you're new to Excel VBA, the idea of coding may seem intimidating. However, with a step-by-step guide, you'll quickly realize how easy it can be. Here, we'll guide you through accessing the VBA editor, creating a new module, and writing your first VBA code snippet for printing.

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Microsoft Excel document you want to print and press "Alt" + "F11" to access the VBA editor.
  2. In the editor, insert a new module by clicking "Insert" in the top menu, then selecting "Module".
  3. Type or paste the following code into the module:

Sub Print_Current_Sheet()
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True, _
End Sub

This code will print the currently selected worksheet with one copy and collation enabled.

Once you've written your code, save the module and return to your worksheet. Press "Alt" + "F8" to open the Macro dialog box. Select your macro and press "Run" to execute the code.

With these steps, you're well on your way to mastering Excel VBA code for printing. In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into printing worksheets, setting print options, and more advanced techniques.

Printing Selected Worksheets

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide for printing selected worksheets in your workbook using Excel VBA code. By applying these techniques, you can print only the required worksheets for specific tasks, making the printing process more efficient and easier to manage.

The first step is to select the desired worksheets programmatically in your VBA code. You can use the "Worksheets" property to reference the specific worksheet you want to print and the "Select" method to make it active.

Once you have selected the worksheets, you can then set the print area, print titles, and other print settings to suit your requirements. The "PageSetup" property allows you to configure print settings such as margins, headers, footers, and print quality.

Example Code:

'Selecting and printing specific worksheets

Sub PrintSelectedWorksheets()

  • Worksheets("Sheet1").Select
  • ActiveSheet.PrintOut
  • Worksheets("Sheet3").Select
  • ActiveSheet.PrintOut

End Sub

Using this code, you can print "Sheet1" and "Sheet3" without needing to manually select them and set the printing options each time.

By following these simple steps, you can automate your printing workflow and eliminate the need for manual printing of each worksheet separately. This will save you time and enhance the accuracy of your printing operations.

Setting Print Options

To customize your printed output, you can tweak various print settings using Excel VBA code. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set your preferred print options for a specific worksheet:

  1. Open the desired workbook and worksheet.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA Editor window.
  3. Click Insert > Module to create a new module.
  4. Copy and paste the following code snippet:

Sub PrintSettings()

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup

.Orientation = xlPortrait 'or xlLandscape for landscape layout

.PaperSize = xlPaperLetter

.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$2" 'set the rows to repeat as headers on each printed page

.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)

.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)

.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)

.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)

.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)

.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)

.CenterVertically = False

.CenterHorizontally = True

.FitToPagesWide = 1

.FitToPagesTall = False


Print Preview and Print Dialogs

Incorporating print preview and print dialogs in your Excel VBA code can greatly enhance your printing workflow. With print preview, users can view their printout before sending it to the printer, ensuring that the document looks exactly the way they want it to. Print dialogs, on the other hand, allow users to select a printer or define additional print settings such as paper size, page orientation, and multiple copies. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate print preview and print dialogs in your Excel VBA code:

  1. Open your Excel worksheet and press ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Select "Insert" from the top menu, then click "Module." This will create a new module in your workbook.
  3. Paste the following Excel VBA code into the module:

'Print Preview
Sub PrintPreview()
End Sub

'Print Dialog
Sub PrintDialog()
End Sub

4. Save the module and return to your worksheet.

5. To add a button that triggers the print preview code, select the "Developer" tab from the ribbon and click "Insert." Choose "Button" from the "Form Controls" section and draw a button on the worksheet.

6. Right-click the button and select "Assign Macro." Choose the "PrintPreview" macro you saved earlier and click "OK."

7. To add a button that triggers the print dialog code, repeat step 5 and draw a new button on the worksheet.

8. Right-click the button and select "Assign Macro." Choose the "PrintDialog" macro you saved earlier and click "OK."

Your Excel worksheet should now have two buttons that trigger print preview and print dialog when clicked. Clicking on the print preview button will open a preview of your printout, while clicking the print dialog button will display a dialog box to select printer settings and other print options.

With print preview and print dialogs incorporated in your Excel VBA code, users can print their spreadsheets with greater flexibility, efficiency, and control.

Printing Ranges and Specific Cells

Printing specific ranges or individual cells within your worksheets can be a helpful way to focus on specific data points or to extract just the information you need. Fortunately, Excel VBA can make printing these specific ranges or cells a breeze.

Here is a step by step guide to help you print specific ranges or cells using VBA code:

  1. Identify the cells or range you want to print.
  2. Open a new macro using ALT+F11.
  3. Type the VBA code below to print the range or cells:

Sub print_range()
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:F34").PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False
End Sub

Be sure to replace the range in the code with the specific cells or range you want to print.

You can also apply various print options to enhance the presentation of your printed output. For example, you can specify the number of copies needed, set collation order, and control print quality.

Generating Multiple Copies and Collating

To generate multiple copies and collate them efficiently, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Specify the number of copies: To generate multiple copies, use the VBA code "ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut Copies:= " and indicate the number of copies needed in place of the space. For instance, if you want to print 3 copies of your worksheet, replace the space with "3".
  2. Control the collation order: Depending on your printing needs, you can choose the collation order you prefer. You can choose to print pages in sequence or reverse order. To achieve this, use the VBA code "ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut Collate:=True/False" and indicate "True" for sequential order or "False" for reverse order.
  3. Automate the printing process: To automate the printing process, use the VBA code "ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut". This code prints the desired number of copies with the chosen collation order.

By following these steps, you can save time and resources by automating the process of generating multiple copies and collating them correctly.

Handling Print Errors and Error Handling

Automating printing tasks with Excel VBA code can save time and improve productivity. However, errors can occur during the printing process, which can derail your workflow and affect the accuracy of your data. In this section, we will guide you on how to handle common print errors and implement error handling techniques in your VBA code.

Step-by-Step Guide to Error Handling with Excel VBA Code

Follow these steps to handle print errors and implement error handling techniques in your VBA code:

  1. Identify the error: Use the Err object to identify the specific error that has occurred during printing.
  2. Handle the error: Implement error handling techniques, such as On Error statements, to handle the identified error. This will enable your program to continue running, even if an error occurs.
  3. Notify the user: Provide useful feedback to the user, such as an error message or instructions on how to resolve the issue.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your VBA code is equipped to handle print errors and prevent them from interrupting your workflow.

Common Print Errors and How to Handle Them

Some common print errors you may encounter when using Excel VBA code for print include:

Error Description Resolution
Missing printer driver The printer driver required to print is not installed on your computer. Install the required printer driver before attempting to print.
Out of memory error Excel VBA has run out of memory and cannot complete the print task. Close any unnecessary programs and try running the code again. Alternatively, consider optimizing your code for better memory usage.
Printer connection error The printer is not connected or cannot be found by Excel VBA. Check the printer connection and make sure the printer is turned on. Alternatively, specify a different printer in your VBA code.

It is essential to understand how to handle these errors and implement error handling techniques to ensure the smooth operation of your VBA code.

Advanced Printing Techniques

In this section, we will explore advanced printing techniques using Excel VBA code to further optimize your printing workflow. Follow these step-by-step guides, and you'll be able to automate complex printing tasks easily and effectively.

Duplex Printing

Duplex printing refers to the ability to print on both sides of a sheet of paper. With Excel VBA, you can automate duplex printing and save paper. Here's how:

  1. Set the printer to duplex mode using the following VBA code:
  2. ActivePrinter = "Printer Name on Port: LPT2:"
    Application.PrintCommunication = False
    With ActivePrinter
    .Duplex = vbDuplexLong
    .Collate = False
    .DuplexPrint = True
    ??php include ("image32_6.png");?>.PrintQuality = 600

  3. Print the content using the following code:
  4. Application.PrintOut Pages:=Array("1:10"), _
    Collate:=True, Order:=XlOrder.xlDownThenOver, _
    ActivePrinter:="Printer Name on Port: LPT2:"

Print Scaling

Print scaling allows you to adjust the scale at which your worksheet will be printed. You can shrink or expand the content to fit a specific number of pages. Using Excel VBA, you can easily set print scaling options. Here's how:

  1. Add the following code:
  2. With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
    .Zoom = False
    .FitToPagesTall = 1
    .FitToPagesWide = 1
    End With

    This will adjust the Excel sheet to fit a single page width and height.

  3. Run the above code before printing using ActiveSheet.PrintOut

Printing Specific Pages

If you only want to print specific pages from your worksheet, Excel VBA provides you with the ability to select individual pages based on their page number. Here's how:

  1. Set the pages you want to print using the following code:
  2. ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=1, To:=2, Copies:=1, Collate:=True

    This will select pages 1 to 2 and print them.

  3. Use the above code to print the selected pages.

"These are just a few examples of the advanced printing techniques you can achieve with Excel VBA code."


With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with a step-by-step guide to mastering Excel VBA code for print. By automating printing tasks in your spreadsheets, you can streamline your workflow, boost productivity, and produce professional-looking printouts tailored to your specific requirements.

With the techniques you've learned, you can now easily print selected worksheets, customize print settings, generate multiple copies and arrange collation, preview and prompt print dialogs, print specific ranges and cells, handle print errors, and even explore more advanced printing techniques.

Now it's time to apply what you've learned and take your printing operations to the next level. Get started today and unlock the full potential of Excel VBA in your printing operations!


How can Excel VBA code be used for printing?

Excel VBA code can be used to automate printing tasks in spreadsheets. It allows users to print selected worksheets, set specific print settings, generate multiple copies of data, and more. By utilizing VBA code for print, users can enhance spreadsheet efficiency and save time.

What is Excel VBA?

Excel VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications and is a programming language that is integrated into Microsoft Excel. It allows users to automate tasks, create macros, and customize Excel functionalities. VBA can be used to automate printing tasks and streamline the printing workflow.

How can I get started with Excel VBA code for print?

To get started with Excel VBA code for print, you need to access the VBA editor in Excel. From there, you can create a new module and start writing your first VBA code snippets for printing. The guide will provide step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

Can I print specific worksheets using Excel VBA code?

Yes, with Excel VBA code, you can print specific worksheets within your workbook. The code allows you to programmatically select the desired worksheets and set print settings such as the print area, print titles, and more. This feature is useful when you only need to print certain parts of your spreadsheet.

What print options can be customized using Excel VBA code?

Using Excel VBA code, you can customize various print options such as page orientation, paper size, margins, headers, footers, and more. These options can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and ensure that the printed output matches your desired format.

How can I incorporate print preview and print dialogs in Excel VBA code?

Excel VBA code allows you to incorporate print preview and print dialogs in your printing process. By providing users with a preview of their printout and the ability to select a printer or define additional print settings, you can enhance the user experience and ensure the desired print result.

Is it possible to print specific ranges or individual cells using Excel VBA code?

Yes, Excel VBA code enables users to print specific ranges or individual cells within their worksheets. By specifying the desired range or cell references programmatically, you can customize the printed output to include only the data you need, enhancing the clarity and organization of the printout.

Can I generate multiple copies of printouts and collate them using Excel VBA code?

Absolutely! With Excel VBA code, you can generate multiple copies of your printouts and control the collation order. This feature is useful when you need to print multiple sets of the same data and want to save time by automating the process.

How can I handle print errors while using Excel VBA code?

Common print errors can be handled effectively using error handling techniques in Excel VBA code. By implementing error handling strategies, you can address any potential issues that may arise during the printing process and ensure smooth printing operations.

Are there any advanced printing techniques that can be achieved with Excel VBA code?

Yes, Excel VBA code offers advanced printing techniques such as duplex printing, print scaling, printing specific pages, and more. These functionalities allow users to further optimize their printing workflow and achieve custom printing requirements.