How to use iterative calculations in excel

How to use iterative calculations in excel

At some point in the calculations, we may need to use a counter either manually or automatically to get the values we need. Counters work on a repeated action or repeated command to deliver the desired output. Iteration is the act or the process of doing certain activities more than once over and over again

Excel: matches multiple criteria from different arrays

Excel: matches multiple criteria from different arrays

In computing, an array is a data holder of elements of the same type. An array can hold the data values of products, names, ages, and students in an excel sheet. To obtain a match from an array is more of getting the elements in the array that are similar or have similar characteristics. Matching

How to extract multiple matches into separate rows in Excel

How to extract multiple matches into separate rows in Excel

Writing content will involve in all aspects the use of multiple letters or words with the same meaning. These matches are no offense to be there in the content that you are writing because it is common and it will keep on happening. The same case of having multiple matches happens also when we are

How to Vlookup to return the min value from multiple hits in Excel

How to Vlookup to return the min value from multiple hits in Excel

Excel sheets provide several or many functions that help users perform multiple functions on a single excel sheet. These particular functions may be to do mathematical functions, graphs, filter functions, and even data validation functions. One of the functions excel provides is the v-lookup. V-lookup is one of the excel functions that do the searching

How to count cells that start with a specific letter

How to count cells that start with a specific letter

The majority of activities or scenarios we happen to come across in our daily lives will always involve counting in one way or the other. Nearly everything depends on or revolves on counting in this world. We count to obtain the value of things numerically or in terms of numeral values. The act of tallying

How to count cells that start with a specific number in Excel

How to count cells that start with a specific number in Excel

To make important decisions in life some of them will be based on the tally taken from certain figures. To account for cells in excel also will require you to know the total count of the cells. The tally then is used to make other vital decisions. Numbering and the use of numbers is common

How to count the cells that match multiple criteria in Excel

How to count the cells that match multiple criteria in Excel

Matching is the process or the act of comparing two or more items with similar characteristics. If the two items or objects happen to match, we call that a match. Data values in the excel sheet may also appear to match in that the values in the rows match those in the columns. The act

How to count cells that start with a number in Excel

How to count cells that start with a number in Excel

Numbers are numeral or numeric values that we often interact with within our daily activities. Numbers are vital because almost everything we do in the entire life often revolves around numbers. Numbers are commonly known as the digits or integers. In this scenario, we are dealing with the counting of cells in excel which start