Excel how to delete filtered rows

Excel how to delete filtered rows

Data management requires the use of a spreadsheet, and it is good for your Excel rows to be unique. In some cases, you may encounter several identical rows containing different data and information. To have a decent working environment on excel, you should know how to filter your worksheet and delete some of the problematic

Excel: How to swap columns

Excel: How to swap columns

Swapping between columns and rows is one of the common mistakes that you will experience while using MS Excel. During text selection, you may rearrange your text unintentionally if you click at the wrong time. However, the swap function also has its positives. As a regular Excel user, it is pertinent for you to know

How to count cells with specific text in Excel

How to count cells with specific text in Excel

If you want to count cells with specific text then the following methods will be very helpful. This can be applied when you want to count cells with full or partial text. Also, people that analyze very huge worksheets are often counting cells that contain specific text. COUNTIF function can be used when it comes

Excel skills for the successful business professional

Excel skills for the successful business professional

When any skilled business professional set off Microsoft Excel program, their graceful like movements can leave any onlooker awed and believe they are observing tricks in another form. However, if you analyze the actions carefully, you will notice that they are just succession of employing the use of; advanced formulas, keyboard shortcuts, and other expertise