Excel formula for percentage

Excel formula for percentage

Anyone who constantly works with numbers probably also works with percentages. Calculating percentages apply in many areas of our day-to-day and everyday lives. Some of the areas we apply percentages include; discounts, percentage changes between different values, and percentage of correct answers in a test or survey. Lucky enough, it is easier to calculate percentages.

How to Add Odd Numbers Only in Range

How to add odd numbers only in range

If you have a worksheet full of odd numbers and you want to add them, you can use this formula to get their sum. The formula {=SUM(Range*(MOD(Range,2)=1))} Do not type out of the brackets. Hold CTRL+shift, then press Enter while still in edit mode to create an array formula. RANGE= is the range of values

How Do I Auto fill my Formula in Excel?

How Do I Auto fill my Formula in Excel?

Excel Formula is an expression that calculates values in a cell or a range of cells. Formulas help you design good spreadsheets. The use of formulas in excel drastically minimizes errors and troubleshooting. Once you create an effective formula for your data, you may wish to repeat the results in other cells. This can be

How to lookup frequently appearing text in Excel

How to lookup frequently appearing text in Excel

The maximum number in which a text is repeated in a string is normally referred to as the frequently occurring text. There are many ways you can find them, and some of those include using the MODE, INDEX, and MATCH functions. The MATCH function gets a match of the range and itself. The process uses

How to calculate the sum of filtered cells

How to calculate the sum of filtered cells

When one wants to hide data from the view, excel has a filter option that filters data in the worksheet. This also data into the filtered and the visible. It may be easy to sum numbers in an excel column, and sometimes you may need the filter option to hide some data to meet your

How to use true and false functions in Excel

How to use true and false functions in Excel

Microsoft Excel is an excellent tool often used to keep track of data and other useful records. Among the various capabilities entailed in excel is the use of function and not only so but those that are conditional by nature. This conditional function operates under the same principle of Boolean logic. In our case, instead

How to calculate 7 day moving average in Excel

How to calculate 7 day moving average in Excel

Moving Average is otherwise called running average or rolling average. There is something common about the three different names – moving, running, and rolling. Yes, this type of average has to do with movement. But do we go about it? There is not much difference between the conventional Average and the moving average. I hope

How Vlookup to return the max value from multiple hits in Excel

How Vlookup to return the max value from multiple hits in Excel

We have several mathematical functions provided in or by Microsoft Excel. Some of these functions are; v-lookup, min, max, mean, mode, and median. They all have their basic function to perform in the excel sheet. V-lookup or vertical lookup as the name suggests is a mathematical function that does the searching of data in multiple

How to find max value in range with criteria in Excel

How to find max value in range with criteria in Excel

Max, as used in the above statement, is the short form for the word maximum. Maximum is a mathematical function used when we are referring to the value with the largest limit in any data range. When data is defined by either minimum or maximum function, you know absolutely comparison is being done or differentiation