Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Paste Special Values

Microsoft Excel is an extremely useful tool for data management. However, when it comes to copying and pasting data, sometimes you may want only the values to be pasted, without any formatting or formulas. This is where using Excel VBA code for paste special values comes in handy. In this section, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use Excel VBA code for performing paste special values operation.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel VBA code can help perform the paste special values operation.
  • Paste special values allow you to copy and paste data without any formatting or formulas.
  • To use VBA code, you need to enable the Developer tab in Excel.
  • After opening the VBA editor, you can write code for paste special values.
  • Testing and debugging your VBA code is essential to ensure proper execution.

Understanding Paste Special Values in Excel

Excel's paste special values feature allows you to copy and paste data while transferring only the values, avoiding the original formatting and formulas in the source cells. This is especially helpful for maintaining data integrity and eliminating undesirable formatting during large-scale data processing.

To use paste special values, you can simply copy your data, right-click on the destination cell, select "Paste Special," then "Values." Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts or customize your quick access toolbar.

When you copy and paste using paste special values, you'll notice that the pasted data has no formats assigned to it. Without the associated formats, pasted data can take on the formatting of the cells into which it is pasted.

It's important to note that paste special values is not only used to copy and paste values within Excel. It can also be used to paste values from external sources into Excel, including web pages or text files.

Summary Table: Advantages of Paste Special Values

Advantages of Paste Special Values Description
Preserves data integrity Eliminates unwanted formats and formulas when copying and pasting data. This ensures that the exact data values are pasted from the source to the destination.
Increases processing speed Reduces processing time by copying only necessary values and avoiding time-consuming formatting operations.
Enhances data accuracy Helps prevent common errors such as incorrect formula implementations or truncated data values.

"Paste special values is one of the most powerful and frequently used features in Excel. Understanding how to use it efficiently can significantly improve your data management workflow."

Enabling the Developer Tab in Excel

To write VBA code in Excel, you need to have access to the Developer tab. The tab contains tools for VBA programming, macros, form controls, and add-ins. By default, this tab is hidden in Excel, but you can easily enable it by following these simple steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click on the "File" tab in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Click on "Options" at the bottom of the left-hand menu.
  4. Select "Customize Ribbon" from the list on the left.
  5. Under the "Main Tabs" section on the right, check the box next to "Developer".
  6. Click "OK" to save your changes.

Once you've enabled the Developer tab, you should see it appear at the top of your Excel window, between the "View" and "Add-Ins" tabs.

Pro Tip: If you're a keyboard shortcut enthusiast, you can also enable the Developer tab by pressing "Alt" + "F11".

Opening the VBA Editor in Excel

After enabling the Developer tab, you can open the VBA editor in Excel, which provides a powerful environment to write, edit, and run VBA code. The following steps will guide you on how to open the VBA editor in Excel:

  1. First, make sure that the Developer tab is visible in the ribbon. If not, follow the instructions in the previous section to enable it.
  2. Click on the Developer tab in the ribbon.
  3. Click on the Visual Basic button in the Code group, or press Alt + F11 on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can open the VBA editor by right-clicking on a worksheet and selecting View Code.

Once you've opened the VBA editor, take some time to familiarize yourself with its interface. You can customize the window layout and toolbars to suit your preferences. Refer to the documentation or online resources for further guidance on using the VBA editor effectively.

“The VBA editor is a powerful tool within Excel that allows for the creation of macros and automation of tasks, streamlining workflows and saving both time and effort for users.”

Writing the VBA Code for Paste Special Values

Writing VBA code for the paste special values operation can seem intimidating, but with a step-by-step guide, it can be done quickly and easily. Follow these steps to write the VBA code for your operation:

  1. Open Excel and press ALT+F11 to bring up the VBA editor.
  2. Click "Insert" and select "Module" to create a new module for your code.
  3. Enter the necessary syntax, functions, and statements to define your source and destination ranges and execute the paste special values operation. Remember to add comments to your code to make it easier to understand and modify.
  4. Save your VBA code by clicking "File" and selecting "Save" or by pressing CTRL+S.

Here's an example of VBA code for the paste special values operation:

'Defines the source range as Cells A1 to A10'

'Defines the destination range as Cells B1 to B10'
Range("B1:B10").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

'Clears the clipboard after pasting values'
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

As you can see, the code defines the source range as cells A1 to A10 and the destination range as cells B1 to B10. It then executes the paste special values operation and clears the clipboard afterward. Use this as a starting point for your own code and adjust it to fit your specific needs.

Selecting the Source and Destination Range in VBA

Before you can execute the paste special values operation in VBA, you need to select both the source and destination ranges. This will ensure the data gets copied to the correct locations. Follow these steps:

  1. Selecting the Source Range:

To select the source range, use the Range property and specify the starting and ending cells of the range. For instance, to select cells A1 to A10:

VBA Code Description
Range("A1:A10") Selects cells A1 to A10

Alternatively, you can use the Cells property to select a range based on its starting cell and number of rows or columns. For example, to select cells A1 to A10:

VBA Code Description
Range(Cells(1,1),Cells(10,1)) Selects cells A1 to A10
  1. Selecting the Destination Range:

To select the destination range, use the Range property and specify the starting cell of the range. For instance, to select cell B1 as the starting cell:

VBA Code Description
Range("B1") Selects cell B1

Alternatively, you can use the Offset property to specify the number of rows or columns from the starting cell to determine the ending cell of the range. For example, to select the range that starts at cell B1 and has the same number of rows and columns as the source range:

VBA Code Description
Range("B1").Resize(Range("A1:A10").Rows.Count, Range("A1:A10").Columns.Count) Selects a range starting at cell B1 with the same size as the source range

Executing the Paste Special Values Operation

Now that you have defined the source and destination ranges, it's time to execute the paste special values operation using VBA code. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that only the values are copied, without any unwanted formatting:

  1. Select the range where you want to paste the values
  2. Open a new VBA module
  3. Copy and paste the following code:

Range("destination_range").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

Replace destination_range with the actual cell reference where you want to paste the values. By using the xlPasteValues argument, the code will ensure that only the values are copied and that any formatting or formulas will be excluded.

Once you have pasted this code in the VBA module, simply run the macro, and the values will be copied to the selected range without any formatting.


Let's say you have a range of data in cells A1 to A10, which includes both values and formulas. You want to copy only the values to cell B1. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select cell B1
  2. Open a new VBA module
  3. Copy and paste the following code:

Range("B1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

Run the macro, and the values from cells A1 to A10 will be copied and pasted to cell B1 without any formatting or formulas.

Testing and Debugging the VBA Code

In order to ensure that your VBA code performs its intended function correctly, it is important to test and debug it. Debugging is the process of identifying and correcting any errors in the code, whereas testing involves executing the code to ensure that it functions as expected. Here are some techniques that you can use while testing and debugging your VBA code:

  • Use breakpoints: Breakpoints enable you to pause the execution of the code at specific points. You can then use this opportunity to inspect the variables and the state of the program to identify any errors. To set a breakpoint, simply click on the left-hand margin of the line where you want the code to pause.
  • Step through the code: You can use the "Step Into" and "Step Over" buttons to execute the code one line at a time. This enables you to see how the code is being executed and identify any errors that may occur.
  • Handle errors: Errors in VBA code can occur for various reasons, such as incorrect syntax or invalid data type. You should use error-handling techniques to ensure that any errors are caught and handled appropriately. One such technique is using the "On Error" statement, which enables you to specify how an error should be handled.

By using these techniques, you can ensure that your VBA code is functioning correctly and that any errors are caught and addressed. It is important to thoroughly test your code before deploying it to ensure that it performs as intended.

Alternative Methods for Paste Special Values in Excel

While VBA provides a robust solution to copy and paste values in Excel, there are alternative methods that may be more appropriate in certain situations. Let's explore some of these options:

Method 1: Using the Ribbon Bar

Excel's Ribbon Bar is a convenient tool that provides many useful features, including a quick way to implement paste special values. To use this method:

  1. Select the cell range that you want to copy.
  2. Right-click the cell range and choose "Copy" or use the shortcut Ctrl+C.
  3. Select the destination cell range where you want to paste special values.
  4. Right-click the destination cell range and choose "Paste Special."
  5. Choose "Values" from the Paste Special options and click "OK."

This method helps to avoid VBA coding, and it is ideal for simple tasks.

Method 2: Create a Formula

Another method to paste special values in Excel is by creating a formula. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Select the destination cell range.
  2. Type the equal sign (=) and select the cell range that you want to copy.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  4. Select the destination cell range and copy it using Ctrl+C or right-click and choose "Copy".
  5. Right-click the same range and choose "Paste Special."
  6. Choose "Values" from the Paste Special options and click "OK."

This method is useful when you want to hide the original values and display only the calculated values.

Note: Regardless of the method you choose to copy data, always remember to double-check for accuracy and data integrity.

As you can see, Excel provides several alternative methods to perform the paste special values operation. Remember, always choose the method that best fits your specific needs and workflow.

Best Practices for Using VBA Code in Excel

Excel VBA code provides an array of powerful tools for automating tasks, managing data, and improving overall workflow efficiency. However, it's essential to follow best practices when writing VBA code to ensure your code is efficient, error-free, and maintainable. Here are some key tips and tricks for maximizing the benefits of VBA code in Excel:

1. Plan Before You Code

Before writing any VBA code, it's vital to have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish. Plan out the end goal and consider what steps you need to take to achieve it. Break down complex processes into smaller, more manageable steps to minimize errors and potential issues.

2. Optimize Your Code

When writing VBA code, it's crucial to keep in mind the best practices for optimization. Avoid long, complicated procedures whenever possible, and use loops and functions to streamline your code. Use descriptive variable names to make your code more readable and maintainable.

3. Use Error Handling Techniques

Errors are inevitable when writing VBA code. To prevent these errors from interrupting your processes or causing data loss, use error handling techniques. Add informative error messages and create a debugging process to detect and resolve errors efficiently.

4. Test Your Code Frequently

Testing your VBA code is an essential step in the development process. Test your code frequently, either through automated testing or manual methods, to ensure it's functioning correctly. Consider testing your code on different machines to make sure it's compatible with various environments.

5. Comment Your Code

Commenting your VBA code makes it more readable and easier to understand for future reference. Use comments to explain your code's purpose and intentions, and include informative explanations of any complicated procedures.

6. Stay Up to Date on Excel Upgrades

Excel is continually updating and upgrading its features and functions. To stay ahead of the curve, make sure to keep up with these upgrades and consider how they might impact your VBA code. Upgrade your code accordingly to take advantage of new features and functions.

By following these best practices for VBA code in Excel, you can optimize your workflow and enhance your overall data management abilities. With practice and experimentation, you'll be able to streamline your data processes and increase your productivity in Excel.


With this comprehensive step-by-step guide, you've learned how to use Excel VBA code for paste special values, enabling you to copy and paste data without any unwanted formatting or formulas. By understanding the concept of paste special values, enabling the Developer tab, opening the VBA editor, writing VBA code, defining source and destination ranges, and executing the paste special values operation, you are well on your way to streamlining your data processes.

It's important to remember that testing and debugging are significant steps in any programming process, and practicing the best practices for using VBA code in Excel can improve your overall workflow. Whether you're an experienced Excel user or new to VBA programming, mastering this technique can significantly enhance your data management abilities and increase productivity.

So what are you waiting for? Start experimenting and applying what you've learned today, and take your Excel skills to the next level!


What is paste special values in Excel?

Paste special values in Excel is a feature that allows you to copy and paste data, but instead of replicating the source cells' formatting or formulas, only the values are transferred. This operation eliminates unwanted formatting and ensures data integrity.

How do I enable the Developer tab in Excel?

To enable the Developer tab in Excel, follow these steps:
1. Go to the File tab.
2. Click on Options.
3. In the Excel Options window, select Customize Ribbon.
4. Under the Customize the Ribbon section, check the box next to Developer.
5. Click OK to save the changes. The Developer tab will now be visible in the Excel ribbon.

How do I open the VBA editor in Excel?

Once the Developer tab is enabled, you can open the VBA editor in Excel by following these steps:
1. Go to the Developer tab.
2. Click on the Visual Basic button. The VBA editor window will open, showing the Project Explorer and Code window.

How do I write VBA code for paste special values?

To write VBA code for paste special values, use the following syntax:
1. Declare variables for the source and destination ranges.
2. Use the Range object to define the source range.
3. Use the Range object to define the destination range.
4. Use the PasteSpecial method with the xlValues argument to perform the paste special values operation.

How do I select the source and destination range in VBA?

To select the source and destination range in VBA, follow these steps:
1. Declare variables for the source and destination ranges.
2. Use the Range object to define the source range, specifying the starting and ending cells.
3. Use the Range object to define the destination range, specifying the top-left cell where the data should be pasted.

How do I execute the paste special values operation in VBA?

To execute the paste special values operation in VBA, use the PasteSpecial method with the xlValues argument. This copies the values from the source range and pastes them into the destination range, without any formatting or formulas.

How do I test and debug VBA code?

To test and debug VBA code, follow these best practices:
1. Use breakpoints to pause the execution of the code at specific lines.
2. Utilize the debugging tools available in the VBA editor, such as stepping through the code and watching variables.
3. Implement error handling techniques to handle and track any potential errors that may occur during code execution.

Are there alternative methods for paste special values in Excel?

Yes, there are alternative methods for performing the paste special values operation in Excel. You can use options available in the Paste Special menu, such as Paste Values or Paste Values and Number Formatting. These options allow you to paste only the values, similar to the VBA code we discussed.

What are best practices for using VBA code in Excel?

To follow best practices for using VBA code in Excel, consider the following tips:
1. Use meaningful variable and function names to improve code readability.
2. Comment your code to provide explanations and make it easier for others to understand.
3. Break your code into smaller, modular procedures to improve maintainability and reusability.
4. Error-check and handle potential errors to create more robust code.
5. Regularly backup your VBA code to avoid losing any progress or changes.