Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Save As PDF

Are you tired of manually saving your Excel files as PDF one by one? Fortunately, you can use Excel VBA code to save time and automate the process. With this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of using Excel VBA code to save spreadsheets as PDF files. Impress your colleagues with your efficiency and accuracy when you quickly transform your Excel files into polished PDFs.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Using Excel VBA code saves time when compared to saving each file manually.
  • VBA code provides customization and flexibility for generating PDF files.
  • Setting up the Excel VBA environment is crucial before writing code.
  • Understanding the Save As PDF functionality is essential to writing VBA code for saving as PDF.
  • Integrating VBA code into Excel macros enhances automation capabilities.

Why Use VBA Code to Save As PDF?

Before we dive into the actual VBA code, let’s explore why using VBA to save Excel files as PDF is advantageous. One of the huge benefits of automating this process with VBA code is the amount of time it saves, making it more efficient. By minimizing this manual task, you can focus on other important tasks. Furthermore, it ensures consistency in your output, guaranteeing the files are saved with the same formatting and settings every time.

Another advantage of using VBA code for saving Excel spreadsheets as PDF is customization. VBA code allows for customized file names, file locations, page setups, and more, providing flexibility to the way you generate PDF files. With properly customized VBA code, you can create custom branding for PDF files, and enable them to match the company’s preferred format.

Finally, VBA code eliminates the risk of manual errors that can happen during the saving process. Using keyboard shortcuts may at times result in mistakes, such as accidentally hitting the wrong key, a computer malfunction, or other external factors. By using VBA code, errors can be minimized, as the code stores a specific set of instructions to perform the task error-free.

Here’s Why You Should Use VBA for Saving Excel Files as PDF:

Advantages Benefits
Automation Saves time and effort
Consistency Ensures standardization of output
Customization Provides flexibility to the process
Error-Free Eliminates the possibility of mistakes

With these advantages, it's clear why VBA code is a better way to save Excel files as PDF.

Setting Up the Excel VBA Environment

Before starting to write the Excel VBA code for saving files as PDF, it is crucial to set up the Excel VBA environment properly. Follow these steps to prepare your Excel workbook for the VBA code:

  1. Open Excel, then click on the "Developer" tab in the ribbon.
  2. If you cannot see the "Developer" tab, enable it by going to "File", then "Options", and selecting "Customize Ribbon". Check the "Developer" box, then click "OK".
  3. Click on "Visual Basic" on the left side of the ribbon to open the VBA editor window.
  4. In the editor, click on "Insert" and select "Module" to create a new VBA module.
  5. You are now ready to write the VBA code in the module. Save the workbook as a macro-enabled file (.xlsm) to store the VBA code.

Properly setting up your Excel VBA environment is crucial to creating efficient and functional code. Follow these steps for a smooth start to transforming your Excel files into PDFs using VBA code.

Understanding the Save As PDF Functionality

In order to save Excel files as PDF using VBA code, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of the "Save As PDF" feature. Essentially, the "Save As PDF" function allows converting an Excel workbook or worksheet into a PDF file. This is a useful feature when you need to share a document with someone who doesn't have Microsoft Excel installed on their computer, or when you want to prevent others from editing your document.

When saving an Excel file as PDF, you can define different parameters such as page orientation, margins, color, and quality. You can also choose to save the entire workbook or specific worksheets as separate PDF files. Knowing these parameters is essential to customize the PDF output according to your specific needs.

S.No Parameters Features
1 File Format PDF
2 Range Type Active Sheet, Entire Workbook or selected sheets
3 Page Quality Standard or Minimum
4 Page Orientation Portrait or Landscape
5 Paper Size A3, A4, A5, Legal
6 Print Quality 300dpi or 600dpi
7 Page Margins Normal or custom
8 Password Protection Protect your PDF with a password

By using VBA code, you can control all of these parameters and more to customize the PDF output. In the next section, we will delve into writing the VBA code to save Excel files as PDF.

Writing the VBA Code to Save As PDF

Now that we have laid the groundwork, it's time to dive into writing the VBA code to save Excel files as PDF. Follow these step-by-step instructions to implement the code:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT + F11 in Excel.
  2. In the VBE window, click on "Insert" and select "Module".
  3. Copy and paste the following code into the module:

Sub SavePDF()
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & ".pdf", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End Sub

  1. Customize the code for your specific needs. For example, you can change the file name and path, adjust print settings, or add error handling.
  2. Run the code by pressing F5 or clicking on the "Run" button in the VBE window. Your Excel file will be saved as a PDF in the specified location.

It's important to note that this code will only save the active worksheet as a PDF. If you need to save multiple worksheets or the entire workbook, you will need to modify the code accordingly.

Adding Customization Options to the VBA Code

Excel VBA code provides customization options to make the PDF output more versatile. The PDF file can be customized to include specific page settings or file names. In this section, we will guide you through the process of how to customize Excel VBA code to save spreadsheets as PDF files.

Step 1: Modify the Excel VBA Code

To add customization options to the VBA code, you need to modify the existing code. Open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) by pressing Alt + F11, go to the code window that you created earlier, and paste the following code:

Insert VBA Code here for customizing

Replace the Insert VBA Code here for customizing text with the appropriate code snippet for your customization needs.

Step 2: Specify PDF File Name

You can specify the PDF file name using the following VBA code:

Insert VBA Code here for specifying PDF file name

Replace the Insert VBA Code here for specifying PDF file name with the appropriate code to specify the desired file name for your PDF file.

Step 3: Set PDF Page Orientation, Size, and Margins

To set PDF page settings, such as orientation, size, and margins, use the following VBA code:

Insert VBA Code here for setting PDF page properties

Replace the Insert VBA Code here for setting PDF page properties with the desired settings for your PDF file.

Step 4: Add PDF Security Options

If you need to add security options, such as a password or encryption, to your PDF file, you can use the following VBA code:

Insert VBA Code here for adding PDF security options

Replace the Insert VBA Code here for adding PDF security options with the desired security options for your PDF file.

By customizing the Excel VBA code, you can generate PDF files that suit your specific requirements.

Testing and Troubleshooting the VBA Code

After writing the VBA code to save Excel files as PDF, it’s important to test and troubleshoot the code to ensure that it runs smoothly and produces the desired output. Follow these steps to test your VBA code:

  1. Back up your Excel file: Before testing any VBA code, make sure to back up your Excel file in case anything goes wrong.
  2. Run the Code: Run the VBA code by pressing F5 or clicking the Run button in the VB Editor. Ensure that the code executes without any errors.
  3. Check the PDF Output: Once the code is run, check the PDF output to verify that it meets your requirements. Ensure that the file is saved in the correct location and has the correct name.
  4. Test for Exceptions: Test the code for possible exceptions such as different worksheet names, incorrect file locations, and empty sheets. Troubleshoot and fix any issues that arise.

If you encounter any errors or unexpected behavior during testing, use the following tips to troubleshoot the code:

  • Check the Syntax: Review the code syntax to make sure it's correct and free of typos.
  • Use Debugging Tools: Use VB Editor's debugging tools, such as Breakpoints and Watch to identify and fix issues.
  • Read the Error Messages: Read the error messages and try to understand what went wrong. Sometimes, the error message suggests a solution to the problem.
  • Search Online Resources: Search online forums and communities for similar issues to find possible solutions.

By testing and troubleshooting, you can ensure that your VBA code is working as intended, saving yourself time and potential issues in the long run.

Sample Troubleshooting Table

The table below lists common errors and possible solutions that may occur during testing and troubleshooting VBA code:

Error Message Cause Solution
Compile error: Sub or Function not defined The code references a non-existent procedure, function, or variable. Check the spelling and syntax of the code. Make sure that the procedure, function, or variable exists.
Run-time error '1004' A problem occurred with the Excel sheet or workbook. Check if the sheet exists in the workbook, if the sheet is protected, or if the workbook is open. Use error handling to capture these errors.
Object variable or With block variable not set An object variable is not set or is set to Nothing. Check the object reference in the code and make sure it's valid. Set the object variable to a valid object reference.

Integrating VBA Code into Excel Macros

Integrating VBA code into Excel macros can further enhance the automation capabilities of your Excel files. This integration allows you to run several VBA macros simultaneously and automate various tasks in just a few clicks. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to integrate VBA code into Excel macros:

  1. Enable Developer Tab: Click on "File," then choose "Options." In the Excel Options dialog box, select "Customize Ribbon." Choose the "Developer" check box, and then click "OK."
  2. Open A Visual Basic Editor: To open the Visual Basic editor, click on "Developer" tab, choose "Visual Basic Editor."
  3. Create a New Module: Right-click on the "VBA Project" in the Project pane, then click "Insert," and then click "Module."
  4. Copy the Save As PDF VBA Code: Copy the VBA code that you created in Section 5.
  5. Paste the Code: Paste the copied code into the module's Code window.
  6. Assign Macro Name: Choose a name for your macro and assign it to the code. It's a good practice to use a descriptive name that indicates the macro's function.
  7. Save the File: Save the file as a macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm).
  8. Test the Macro: Click on "Developer" tab and choose "Macros." Select the macro you just created and click "Run" to test it.

By integrating VBA code into Excel macros, you can significantly speed up the process of saving Excel files as PDFs. With the ability to run multiple macros simultaneously, you can automate numerous repetitive tasks and save valuable time.

Security and Protection Considerations

When working with VBA code, it's essential to consider security and protection measures. Protecting your Excel files and code from unauthorized access or changes is crucial, especially when confidential or sensitive information is involved.

Protecting VBA Code

To protect your VBA code from unauthorized access, use a password to lock the code. To set the password:

  1. Open your VBA Project and press Alt + F11 to access the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Click on the module or sheet to protect.
  3. Select Tools -> VBAProject Properties -> Protection.
  4. Check "Lock project for viewing" and enter a password.

It's advisable to keep your password secure and complex.

Protecting Excel Files

Excel files containing sensitive information should be protected from unauthorized access. Here are some of the measures you can take:

  • Set a strong password to protect your Excel file.
  • Use encryption to secure your Excel file.
  • Set access permissions to limit who can access or edit your Excel file.
  • Regularly backup your Excel files to prevent data loss.

Protecting Against Malicious Code

VBA code can be used to execute malicious code that can harm your computer or steal sensitive information. Here are some measures you can take to protect against malicious code:

  • Disable all macros from running automatically and enable them only for trusted sources.
  • Scan your Excel files for viruses regularly.
  • Use trusted sources when downloading add-ins or macros.

By following these security and protection measures, you can ensure that your VBA code and Excel files are safe from unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

Sharing and Distributing Excel Files with VBA Code

After creating and implementing VBA code to save Excel files as PDF, you may want to share or distribute your files with others. However, it's important to consider some factors before sharing to ensure that the code works smoothly on other systems.

Follow these step by step instructions to share Excel files with VBA code:

  1. Firstly, make sure to save a backup of your original Excel file without the VBA code.
  2. Next, save a copy of the Excel file with the VBA code as a macro-enabled workbook (xlsm file).
  3. When sending the file to others, ensure that they have the necessary software (Microsoft Excel) and operating system (Windows or Mac) versions that are compatible with the VBA code.
  4. Instruct the recipients to enable macros when opening the Excel file. This can usually be done through the Excel Options menu by selecting "Trust Center" and then "Macro Settings".
  5. Test the Excel file on another system to ensure that the VBA code functions correctly.

Another option for sharing Excel files with VBA code is to convert the code into an add-in. This method allows the code to be shared across multiple workbooks without duplicating the code in each file.

Take note that when sharing Excel files with VBA code, there may be security risks involved. Ensure that you only share files with trusted parties and take necessary precautions to protect sensitive information.

By following these simple steps, you can easily share and distribute Excel files that include VBA code for saving as PDF. Don't let the fear of VBA code sharing hold you back, but ensure that you are taking all the necessary precautions to keep your sensitive data safe.

Enhancing the VBA Code for Save As PDF Functionality

To take your save as PDF functionality to the next level, there are several advanced techniques you can use to enhance your VBA code. Follow these step by step instructions to optimize your PDF output from Excel.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Excel's "Save As PDF" feature can be automated even further by using loops and other VBA programming constructs. If you find yourself repeatedly carrying out the same sequence of commands, consider automating the process with VBA code. This will save you time and reduce the risk of errors.

Handling Multiple Sheets

If you have multiple sheets in your Excel workbook, you may need to save each sheet as a separate PDF. With VBA code, you can automate this process by looping through each sheet and saving it as a PDF. Make sure to specify the correct file name so that each PDF is saved with a unique identifier.

Customizing PDF Output

With VBA code, you can also add further customization options to your PDF output. For example, you can specify page settings such as margins and paper size, or add headers and footers to each page. You can also use VBA code to add watermarks or protect your PDF files with a password. Experiment with different options to see how you can tailor your PDF output to your specific needs.

Final Thoughts

By using these advanced techniques to enhance your VBA code for save as PDF functionality, you can streamline your workflow and optimize your PDF output from Excel. Experiment with different customization options to find what works best for you and your specific requirements.


After following this step by step guide, you should now be able to use Excel VBA code to efficiently save spreadsheets as PDF files. By automating the process, you can save time and ensure consistency in your PDF output. With the ability to customize and enhance the save as PDF functionality using VBA code, the sky's the limit in terms of what you can achieve.

It's important to remember that when working with VBA code, security and protection measures should be considered. Best practices for securing your code and protecting sensitive information in your Excel files should always be followed. Additionally, when sharing or distributing Excel files with VBA code, it's important to ensure that the code functions correctly on other systems.

Overall, using Excel VBA code to save spreadsheets as PDF files is a valuable skill that can offer numerous benefits. We hope that this guide has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the process and that you're now ready to start implementing it in your own work.


What is the advantage of using VBA code to save Excel files as PDF?

Using VBA code allows for automation, time-saving, and customization in the process of saving Excel files as PDF.

How do I set up the Excel VBA environment?

To set up the Excel VBA environment, follow the necessary steps outlined in this guide for a smooth coding experience.

How does the “Save As PDF” functionality work with VBA code?

This section will explain the underlying functionality of the "Save As PDF" feature and the parameters that can be controlled through VBA code.

How do I write VBA code to save Excel files as PDF?

Follow the step by step instructions in this section to successfully write VBA code that saves Excel files as PDF.

Can I customize the PDF output when using VBA code to save as PDF?

Yes, this section will show you how to add customization options such as page settings and file names to the VBA code.

How can I test and troubleshoot VBA code for saving Excel files as PDF?

Before extensive use, it's important to test and troubleshoot the VBA code. This section provides guidance for the testing process and offers troubleshooting tips for common issues.

How can I integrate VBA code into Excel macros?

Excel macros can enhance automation. This section will guide you through integrating VBA code into Excel macros for even more efficient PDF generation.

What security and protection measures should I consider when working with VBA code?

Best practices for securing VBA code and protecting sensitive information in Excel files are discussed in this section.

How can I share and distribute Excel files with VBA code?

Learn about considerations and methods for sharing Excel files with VBA code to ensure the code functions correctly on other systems in this section.

What advanced techniques can I use to enhance the save as PDF functionality with VBA code?

Explore advanced techniques such as automating repetitive tasks and handling multiple sheets in this section to further enhance the save as PDF functionality.

What are the benefits of using Excel VBA code to save spreadsheets as PDF files?

Using Excel VBA code offers benefits such as time-saving, customization, and automation. This guide provides a comprehensive step by step process to effectively transform Excel files into PDFs.