Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Sumifs Function

Are you tired of manually calculating data in Excel? Do you want to automate the process and save time? Look no further than the SUMIFS function in Excel!

This powerful function allows you to sum values based on multiple criteria, providing advanced data analysis capabilities for your spreadsheets. In this guide, we will introduce you to the Excel VBA code for the SUMIFS function and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

Key Takeaways

  • The SUMIFS function in Excel allows you to sum values based on multiple criteria.
  • Excel VBA code can automate the SUMIFS function and enhance data analysis capabilities.
  • Our step-by-step guide will provide all the necessary information to get started with Excel VBA code for SUMIFS function.
  • By incorporating best practices and error handling techniques, you can optimize your Excel VBA code for better performance.
  • Real-world examples and use cases will help you understand the practical application of the SUMIFS VBA code in different scenarios.

What is the SUMIFS Function in Excel?

The SUMIFS function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to sum values based on multiple criteria. This function is particularly useful for data analysis when you need to filter data based on specific conditions.

Using the SUMIFS function, you can easily calculate the sum of values that meet multiple criteria. For example, you could use the SUMIFS function to calculate the total sales for a particular product in a specific region during a specific time period.

Here's the basic syntax of the SUMIFS function:

=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)

The function has the following arguments:

Argument Description
sum_range The range of cells you want to sum.
criteria_range1, criteria_range2, … The range of cells you want to apply criteria to.
criteria1, criteria2, … The criteria you want to apply.

With these arguments, you can specify multiple criteria to filter your data and calculate the sum of the resulting values.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using SUMIFS Function in Excel

To use the SUMIFS function in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type =SUMIFS( to start the function.
  3. Select the cell range you want to sum and add it as the first argument.
  4. Select the first cell range you want to apply criteria to and add it as the second argument.
  5. Add the criteria for the first range as the third argument.
  6. If you have additional criteria ranges, add them and their criteria as additional arguments.
  7. Close the function with ) and press Enter to display the result.

With these simple steps, you can start using the SUMIFS function in Excel and take your data analysis to the next level.

Getting Started with Excel VBA

Before diving into writing VBA code for the SUMIFS function, let's first understand the basics of Excel VBA. Visual Basic for Applications, commonly known as VBA, is a programming language used to automate tasks in Excel. With VBA, you can create macros, user-defined functions, and custom procedures to enhance your productivity and efficiency.

To get started with Excel VBA, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and press the "Alt" and "F11" keys on your keyboard. This will open the VBA editor window.
  2. Create a new module by clicking on "Insert" and then selecting "Module". This is where you will write your VBA code.
  3. To write your first program, type "Sub" followed by the name of your program, such as "MyFirstProgram". Then press "Enter". This will create a new subroutine for your program.
  4. Next, type the code for your program, such as a message box that says "Hello, World!"(Note: use Msgbox "Hello, World!")
  5. Finally, run your program by pressing the "F5" key or clicking on the "Run" button in the VBA editor window.

That's it! You have written and executed your first VBA program. As you become more familiar with Excel VBA, you can start exploring advanced features like looping, conditional statements, and user-defined functions.

Writing the VBA Code for SUMIFS Function

Now, let's dive into the coding part. To start, open your Visual Basic Editor by pressing "ALT + F11" in Excel.

To write the VBA code for SUMIFS function, follow the steps below:

  1. Define variables: Define variables for the criteria range and sum range:
Dim criteriaRange As Range
Dim sumRange As Range
  1. Set up necessary criteria: Define the criteria by which the function will sum the values:
Set criteriaRange = Range("A1:A10")
Set sumRange = Range("B1:B10")
criteria1 = "Criteria1"
criteria2 = "Criteria2"
criteria3 = "Criteria3"
  1. Using loops to iterate through data: Iterate through each row in the sum range and verify if it meets the criteria:
For Each sumCell In sumRange
    If sumCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = criteria1 And sumCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = criteria2 And sumCell.Offset(0, -3).Value = criteria3 Then
        total = total + sumCell.Value
    End If
Next sumCell

Make sure to add error handling to your code to avoid unexpected errors during runtime. You can also incorporate other Excel functions to enhance the capabilities of your code.

Code snippet:

VBA code for SUMIFS Function:

Sub SumifsFunction()
Dim criteriaRange As Range
Dim sumRange As Range
Dim criteria1 As String
Dim criteria2 As String
Dim criteria3 As String
Dim sumCell As Range
Dim total As Double

Set criteriaRange = Range("A1:A10")
Set sumRange = Range("B1:B10")

criteria1 = "Criteria1"
criteria2 = "Criteria2"
criteria3 = "Criteria3"

For Each sumCell In sumRange
    If sumCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = criteria1 And sumCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = criteria2 And sumCell.Offset(0, -3).Value = criteria3 Then
        total = total + sumCell.Value
    End If
Next sumCell

MsgBox "The sum of the values that meet the criteria is " & total

End Sub

With these steps, you can now write the VBA code for SUMIFS function easily and efficiently.

Incorporating Excel Functions Into VBA

In this section, we will expand on the possibilities of the SUMIFS function by showing you how to incorporate Excel functions directly in your VBA code. This will allow you to leverage the power of existing Excel functions and enhance your data analysis capabilities even further.

The first step in incorporating Excel functions into your VBA code is to declare them as variables. You can do this using the Dim statement. For example:

Dim myAvg As Double

This declares a new variable called myAvg as a Double value. You can then use built-in Excel functions like Average to calculate the average of a range of cells. Here's an example:

myAvg = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("A1:A10"))

This code calculates the average of cells A1 to A10 and stores the result in the myAvg variable. You can then use this variable in your SUMIFS function.

Here's an example of using the myAvg variable in a SUMIFS formula:

mySum = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Range("B1:B10"), Range("A1:A10"), ">=80", Range("C1:C10"), "Red", Range("D1:D10"), myAvg)

This code sums the values in cells B1 to B10, but only if the value in column A is greater than or equal to 80, the value in column C is "Red", and the value in column D is equal to the average of cells A1 to A10.

By incorporating Excel functions into your VBA code, you can create even more complex and powerful data analysis tools. Keep in mind that not all Excel functions can be used in VBA, so be sure to check the documentation to see which functions are available.

Testing and Debugging the VBA Code

Once you have written your VBA code for the SUMIFS function, it's necessary to test and debug it to ensure it works accurately. Here are some tips and techniques to test and debug your VBA code:

  1. Use Debugging Tools: Excel VBA comes with several debugging tools like Breakpoints and Watch windows that will help you identify and diagnose errors in your code.
  2. Test Your Code with Sample Data: Before running your code on actual data, test it on sample data to ensure it calculates the expected results.
  3. Use Error Handling Techniques: To make your code more user-friendly and robust, incorporate error handling techniques to deal with unexpected scenarios gracefully.
  4. Perform Code Walkthrough: Walkthrough your code manually to identify errors and ensure that it performs the intended actions.

By following these techniques, you can minimize the errors in your VBA code.

Enhancing the VBA Code with Error Handling

When writing VBA code, it's crucial to incorporate error handling techniques to avoid unexpected crashes or incorrect outputs. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add error handling to your SUMIFS VBA code:

  1. Identify potential errors that could occur in your code, such as invalid inputs or missing data.
  2. Implement error handling code, such as using 'On Error' statement to anticipate and handle these errors.
  3. Include descriptive error messages to help users and developers pinpoint the issue at hand.
  4. Add a cleanup procedure to ensure the code runs smoothly and any leftover resources are properly handled.

By incorporating error handling techniques, you can improve the reliability and user-friendliness of your VBA code. Below is an example of error handling code:

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

'code here

Exit Sub


MsgBox "An error has occurred: " & Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description

By using this code, your users will be alerted when an error occurs and can take appropriate action to resolve it. Don't let errors derail your VBA code – incorporate error handling techniques and make it more robust!

Best Practices for Efficient VBA Code

Writing VBA code for the SUMIFS function can be overwhelming, but following certain best practices can simplify the process and make your code more efficient. Here are some tips to optimize your VBA code for better performance and maintainability:

1. Use Specific, Meaningful Variable Names

Using specific and meaningful variable names can make your code easier to understand and debug. Avoid using generic names, such as "temp" or "value," and instead use descriptive names that reflect the purpose of the variable. This will make your code more accessible to other users and easier to modify in the future.

2. Keep Code Modular

Keeping your code modular, with each section performing a specific task, can help to organize your code and improve its overall maintainability. By writing small, self-contained functions that perform specific operations, you can save time and minimize errors when modifying or debugging your code.

3. Use Proper Indentation

Properly indenting your code can make it easier to read and debug, especially in complex projects. Indentation can help identify the sections of code that belong together, and identify missing or extra lines of code that could be difficult to spot otherwise. Most VBA editors will automatically indent code, but it's important to verify that the indentation matches your desired structure regularly.

4. Avoid Excessive Comments

While comments can be helpful for understanding code, excessive commenting can make your code harder to read. Commenting what is necessary to clarify variable names, flow, and blocks of code will make your code much more efficient.

5. Optimize Looping and Conditional Statements

Looping and conditional statements are important parts of VBA code. However, they can also be bottlenecks that slow down your code. Try to optimize these statements by minimizing their use or finding more efficient ways to express them. Additionally, avoiding nested loops, using macros where appropriate and Implementing proper data manipulation can help you improve the speed of code execution that involves large quantity of data or complex iterations.

6. Test Your Code Rigorously

Testing your code is crucial to ensuring that it works as expected and that there are no errors. Testing at intermediate points of your code helps make your code more testable and stable. It's also important to use automated testing when possible. So, make sure to test your VBA code for the SUMIFS function before sharing it on the production environment.

7. Consider Efficiency Over Style

When writing VBA code, prioritizing efficiency over style can help minimize run time. While an elegant script may look more appealing, it may sacrifice speed and efficiency. So, focus on making sure that your code works efficiently and then make it readable and appealing afterwards.

Real-World Examples and Use Cases

Now that you have learned how to write VBA code for the SUMIFS function, let's explore some real-world examples and use cases where this code can come in handy.

Example 1: Sales Analysis

Suppose you work for a retail company and want to analyze your sales data for a particular quarter. You can use the SUMIFS function to filter data based on multiple criteria, such as product category, location, and time period.

The above table shows an example of how the SUMIFS function can be used for sales analysis. Here, we want to sum the sales value for the "Electronics" category in the "New York" store for the month of January. By using the SUMIFS function with multiple criteria, we can obtain the desired results.

Example 2: Customer Segmentation

Another use case for the SUMIFS function is customer segmentation. Suppose you have a list of customers with their purchase history and want to group them based on their spending habits.

The above table shows an example of how the SUMIFS function can be used for customer segmentation. Here, we want to group customers based on their total spending, with the "High," "Medium," and "Low" groups representing the top 20%, middle 60%, and bottom 20%, respectively. By using the SUMIFS function with different criteria, we can segment our customers based on their spending habits.

These are just a few examples of how the SUMIFS function can be used in real-world scenarios. By applying your knowledge of VBA code and the SUMIFS function, you can analyze and manipulate large datasets with ease, streamlining and optimizing your work processes.


In conclusion, the Excel VBA code for the SUMIFS function is a powerful tool for advanced data analysis in Excel. By following the step-by-step guide and best practices outlined in this article, you can optimize your code for better performance and maintainability. Incorporating error handling and existing Excel functions can enhance the functionality of your code, while real-world examples illustrate its practical application in various scenarios.

Overall, using VBA code for the SUMIFS function can save time and improve efficiency in data analysis. By automating the process of finding and summing values based on multiple criteria, you can free up your time for other tasks. So, start using this amazing tool today and elevate your Excel skills to the next level!


What is the SUMIFS function in Excel?

The SUMIFS function in Excel allows you to sum values based on multiple criteria, providing a powerful tool for data analysis.

How do I get started with Excel VBA?

To get started with Excel VBA, you need to have a basic understanding of Excel VBA. We will provide an overview and the necessary steps to get started.

How do I write the VBA code for the SUMIFS function?

We will guide you through the process of writing the VBA code for the SUMIFS function step by step, including defining variables, setting up criteria, and using loops.

How can I incorporate Excel functions into my VBA code?

In this section, we will show you how to incorporate Excel functions into your VBA code for the SUMIFS function to enhance your data analysis capabilities.

How do I test and debug my VBA code?

Once you have written the VBA code, it's important to test and debug it. We will provide tips and techniques for testing and debugging your SUMIFS VBA code.

How can I add error handling to my VBA code?

To make your VBA code robust and user-friendly, it's important to incorporate error handling techniques. We will demonstrate how to add error handling to your SUMIFS VBA code.

What are the best practices for writing efficient VBA code?

In this section, we will share some best practices for writing efficient VBA code for the SUMIFS function, optimizing performance and maintainability.

Can you provide real-world examples and use cases for the SUMIFS VBA code?

Yes, we will provide real-world examples and use cases where the SUMIFS VBA code can be applied, helping you understand its practical application in different scenarios.

Do you have any concluding thoughts on the Excel VBA code for the SUMIFS function?

Yes, in conclusion, we have provided a comprehensive guide on the Excel VBA code for the SUMIFS function, unlocking the power of automation and advanced data analysis in Excel.