How do I add 3 months to a date in Excel?

Date operations surround almost all Excel users. If you are not some values to date, you are subtracting some values. Therefore, learning and understanding how to deal with mathematical operations related to date in Excel are necessary. This article will briefly discuss ways of adding 3 months to a given date.

Using the EDATE Function


=EDATE(Cell_Index, months)

Method 1 (Formula Bar)


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Open the Workbook that contains your dataset or open a new worksheet.

3. Click on an empty cell that will hold the results, and then click on the Formula bar.

4. Type the Equal sign followed by the EDATE function. That is, =EDATE (

5. Select the cell that contains the date and then enter the number of months. For Example, =EDATE (A2, 3)

Finally, hit the Enter Button.

Method 2 (The Insert Function Tool)


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Open the Workbook that contains your dataset or open a new worksheet.

3. Click on the Formulas tab on the screen, and then locate the Function Library section.

4. Click the Insert Function button to open the Insert Function dialogue box.

5. In the Search for a Function section, type EDATE and press the Go button.

6. Select the EDATE option in the Select a Function section and then hit the Ok button.

7. In the Start_Date textbox, add the cell index containing your date value; in the Months textbox, add the months. Finally, hit the OK button.

Using DATE and MONTH Function

Method 1 (Formula Bar)


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Open the Workbook that contains your dataset or open a new worksheet.

3. Click on an empty cell that will hold the results, and then click on the Formula bar.

4. Type the Equal sign followed by the DATE function. That is, =DATE (

5. Type the Year function followed by the Month function and the Day function. In the Month Function, add the months you wish to add to the dates. For Example, =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+3,DAY(A2))

NOTE: A2 is the cell index of the cell that contains the date.

Finally, hit the Enter Button.

Method 2 (The Insert Function Tool)


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Open the Workbook that contains your dataset or open a new worksheet.

3. Click on the Formulas tab on the screen, and then locate the Function Library section.

4. Click the Insert Function button to open the Insert Function dialogue box.

5. In the Search for a Function section, type DATE, and press the Go button.

6. Select the DATE option in the Select a Function section and then hit the Ok button.

7. In the Year section, select the cell that contains your date and do the same for Day. In the Month section, select the cell containing your date, add the plus sign and then type the months to be added. For example, =A2+3

Finally, click the OK button to close the dialogue box.