How to use T Dist on Excel

How to use T Dist on Excel

T Dist is the short-form of T Distribution. T dist technique is used when working with population-related problems and testing hypotheses on a small dataset. To financial analysts and other specialists, this tool is vital in their field. In the previous years, they used the manual method to calculate T dist problems. This proved to

How to append data in Excel using Java

How to append data in Excel using Java

Java is a well-known programming language that is used to perform various tasks. However, a limited number of people can use it together with Excel. Java is compatible with Excel and thus can be used to make any changes on an Excel document. To the new users, it may be a bit challenging and confusing

How to make Excel File Read Only

How to make Excel File Read Only

Excel is a software program developed by Microsoft that makes use of spreadsheets to organize data with formulas and functions. A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns and this helps in arranging, organizing, and formatting data as well as carrying out numerical calculations. It is capable of carrying out calculations using data in

How to Update Excel Data Automatically

How to Update Excel Data Automatically

Tired of editing and changing data in excel every day manually?. Well, there are a few tricks you can pull so that the data updates automatically when you add new information. The following will help to update a chart automatically: There is a number of ways to auto-update a chart when you add new data

How to Delete Excel Add-Ins

How to Delete Excel Add-Ins

An Add-in is a file that contains macros. This means that it allows you to extend the functions of Excel applications across various platforms apart from Windows. That is Mac, iPad, and browser. Excel add-ins are mostly stored here C: /Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/AddIns/. Once it is in Microsoft Excel, and Add-in automatically opens itself every time Excel