Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Autofilter

Are you tired of manually filtering large datasets in Excel? Do you want to improve your data analysis skills and become more efficient at work? Look no further than Excel VBA code for autofilter.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to apply autofilter to your data using Excel VBA code. We will provide a step-by-step tutorial to help you streamline your workflows and save time when working with large datasets.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel VBA code for autofilter is a valuable tool for automating tasks and improving data analysis capabilities.
  • Autofilter can be applied manually before automating the process with VBA code.
  • Recording a macro is one of the easiest ways to generate VBA code for autofilter.
  • You can write VBA code from scratch to apply autofilter based on specific criteria.
  • Advanced techniques include dynamically applying autofilter and optimizing performance for large datasets.

Introduction to Excel VBA Code

Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code is a programming language that allows you to automate tasks in Excel. VBA code is used to create macros, which are sets of instructions that perform a series of actions in Excel automatically.

By writing VBA code, you can create a custom solution for your specific needs and streamline your workflow. Whether you want to automate simple tasks or complex processes, VBA code can help.

Using VBA code can be intimidating at first, but it doesn't have to be. With a basic understanding of the language, you can create powerful macros to improve your productivity and efficiency.

What is VBA code?

VBA code is a programming language that is integrated into Microsoft Excel. It allows you to create macros to automate repetitive tasks and complex processes.

In VBA, you write sets of instructions, called code, to perform specific actions in Excel. These instructions can be simple, such as moving or formatting cells, or more complex, such as performing calculations or accessing external data sources.

How does VBA code work?

VBA code works by using a set of commands and functions to automate tasks in Excel. The code is written in a programming language that is similar to other languages, such as C++ or Java.

When you run a macro, Excel executes the VBA code, which performs a series of instructions to complete the desired task. The code can manipulate data, create charts, format cells, and much more.

Why is VBA code valuable?

VBA code is valuable because it allows you to automate tasks in Excel. This saves you time and effort, and reduces the risk of errors that can occur when manually performing repetitive tasks.

By using VBA code, you can also create custom solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. This can improve your productivity and efficiency, and help you achieve your goals more easily.

Getting Started with Autofilter in Excel

Autofilter is a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to analyze and filter data based on specific criteria. Before delving into VBA code for autofilter, it's essential to understand its purpose and how it works.

To get started with autofilter in Excel:

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to filter.
  2. Go to the Data tab, and click on the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group.
  3. Excel will add drop-down arrows next to each column header in your data set, indicating that autofilter is active. You can use these drop-downs to sort and filter your data based on different criteria, such as text, numbers, or dates.

Here are some benefits of using autofilter in Excel:

  • Quickly and easily analyze large datasets
  • Efficiently identify and extract specific data points
  • Explore trends and patterns in your data

While you can manually apply autofilter to your data, using VBA code can automate the process and make it even more efficient. In the following sections, we'll show you how to record a macro or write code from scratch to apply autofilter based on your desired criteria.


Let's say you have a table of sales data, and you want to filter the results to only show data for a particular sales rep. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the range of cells that contain your sales data.
  2. Go to the Data tab, and click on the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group.
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the "Sales Rep" column header, and select the name of the sales rep you want to filter for.
  4. Excel will automatically filter the data to show only records where the "Sales Rep" column matches your selected criteria.

Here's how you can write VBA code to automate this process:

"Sub AutofilterSalesRep()
Range("A1:D10").Select 'Replace with your range
ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("C2:C10"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter
.Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range("A1"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
.Sort.Header = xlYes
.Sort.MatchCase = False
.Sort.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.Sort.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub"

With this code, you can automate the process of filtering data based on a selected sales rep name. The VBA code will sort the data based on the Sales Rep column and apply the filter for the selected name.

Recording a Macro for Autofilter

If you're new to VBA code or want to automate the autofilter process quickly, recording a macro may be the way to go. Follow these easy steps to create a macro that applies autofilter:

  1. First, select the range of data you want to filter.
  2. Next, go to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon and click on the "Filter" button.
  3. Then, customize your filter and click "OK".
  4. Click on the "View" tab in the Excel ribbon, select "Macros", and click on "Record Macro".
  5. Provide a name for your macro and a shortcut key, if desired.
  6. Click "OK" to start recording.
  7. The macro will record your actions, including applying the autofilter.
  8. When you're done, click on "Stop Recording" in the Macros menu.

Now, let's modify the recorded code to make it more efficient and versatile. Open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing "Alt + F11". Locate the macro you just recorded and double-click on it to open the code window.

Note: if you cannot see the Developer tab in Excel, you can enable it by going to "File" > "Options" > "Customize Ribbon" > "Main Tabs" > "Developer".

You can modify the generated code by changing the filter criteria, selecting a different range, or adding more filters. Here's an example of how to add multiple filters:

Version Task
Excel 2016 ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$D$10").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=North", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=West"
Excel 2019 ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$D$10").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=North", Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array("=West")

As you can see, the code applies two criteria (North and West) to filter data in the second column. The xlOroperator in Excel 2016 and xlFilterValues in Excel 2019 let you use different operators to combine criteria.

In the next section, we'll walk you through the process of writing VBA code from scratch to apply autofilter based on specific criteria.

Writing VBA Code for Autofilter from Scratch

If you prefer creating VBA code for autofilter from scratch, this section is for you. Follow these step-by-step instructions to streamline your data analysis process:

  1. Step 1: Create a Subroutine – Begin by creating a subroutine for your code. This can be done by opening the VBA editor and selecting "Insert" > "Module". Then, define your subroutine by entering "Sub AutoFilter()" followed by the necessary arguments.
  2. Step 2: Define Your Criteria – Next, define the criteria for your autofilter. This can be done by using the ".AutoFilter" method and specifying the column to filter by, the operator to use, and the criteria itself. For example:

    Range("A1:D100").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">100"

    This code will apply an autofilter to columns A to D, filtering by the second column where the value is greater than 100.

  3. Step 3: Remove Existing Filters – To ensure that your new filter is applied correctly, remove any existing filters on the sheet. Use the ".AutoFilterMode" property to accomplish this:

    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
    End If

  4. Step 4: Apply the Autofilter – Finally, apply your new autofilter by using the ".Range" property to select the data range and ".AutoFilter" method to apply your defined filter. For example:

    Range("A1:D100").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">100"

    This will apply an autofilter to columns A to D, filtering by the second column where the value is greater than 100.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create VBA code for autofilter from scratch, giving you greater control and customization options for your data analysis. Check out the next section to learn about applying multiple filters with VBA code.

Applying Multiple Filters with VBA Code

Applying multiple filters is a common requirement in data analysis. Fortunately, VBA code allows us to automate this process, saving us time and effort. In this section, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of writing VBA code to apply multiple filters to your data in Excel.

First, let's understand the basic structure of a multiple filter VBA code. Here's an example:

ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D10").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="John", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="Emily"

ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D10").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">30", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="

Let's break down this code. The first line filters the data in the range A1:D10 based on two criteria: the value in column 1 must be "John" or "Emily". The second line filters the data based on two criteria: the value in column 2 must be greater than 30 and less than 50.

Notice that we used the Operator parameter to define whether the criteria should be combined using an AND or an OR condition.

To apply multiple filters with VBA code, follow these general steps:

  1. Identify the range of your data.
  2. Determine the fields you want to filter and the corresponding criteria.
  3. Write a VBA code to filter the data using the AutoFilter method.

Let's see an example. Suppose we have a table with a list of products, their categories, prices, and quantities sold. We want to filter the data in the following way:

  • Category equals "Electronics" or "Home Appliances"
  • Price is greater than 500 and quantity sold is less than 100

Here's the VBA code to apply these filters:

Dim dataRange As Range

Set dataRange = Range("A1:D10")

dataRange.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Electronics", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="Home Appliances"

dataRange.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=">500", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="

Automating Autofilter with VBA Code

Manually applying autofilter to large datasets can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, Excel VBA code can automate this process and save you valuable time and effort. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create macros that run autofilter with a single click.

  1. Begin by opening the Visual Basic Editor. You can do this by pressing Alt+F11 or navigating through the "Developer" tab.
  2. Insert a module. You can do this by right-clicking on your workbook in the Project window and selecting "Insert > Module".
  3. Write the code to autofilter your data. Here's an example of a basic VBA code to apply autofilter:

Sub AutofilterMacro()
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:E5000").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="Yes"
End Sub

Make sure to modify the code to suit your specific needs, such as changing the range of cells and criteria for filtering.

  1. Assign the macro to a button. You can do this by going to the "Developer" tab and selecting "Insert > Button". Then, right-click on the button and select "Assign Macro". Choose the macro you just created and click "OK".
  2. Test your macro. Run your macro by clicking on the button you created. Your data should now be filtered based on the criteria you specified in the VBA code.

Automating autofilter with VBA code can greatly improve your efficiency when analyzing large datasets. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create custom macros that apply autofilter with a single click, saving you valuable time and effort.

Advanced Techniques for Autofilter Using VBA Code

By this point, you have learned the basics of using autofilter in Excel with VBA code. Now it's time to take your skills to the next level with advanced techniques that can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities.

Dynamically Applying Autofilter

One of the most powerful features of Excel VBA code for autofilter is the ability to apply it dynamically. Instead of a pre-defined criteria range, dynamic ranges adjust to the changing criteria in real-time.

To create a dynamic range, you can use the VBA 'Range' object and 'End' property to find the last cell in a specific column. For example, the following code creates a dynamic range for column A:

'Create dynamic range based on values in column A
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1:A" & LastRow).AutoFilter

Working with Dynamic Ranges

Dynamically created ranges are useful when you don't know the exact size or location of your dataset. You can also use VBA code to modify dynamic ranges based on specific conditions. For example, you can modify the previous code to create a dynamic range based on specific criteria:

'Create dynamic range based on specific criteria
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1:A" & LastRow).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">100"

Handling Errors

No matter how skilled you are, errors are bound to occur when working with VBA code and autofilter. Fortunately, you can use 'On Error Resume Next' followed by 'On Error Goto 0' to handle errors and prevent code from crashing. Additionally, using message boxes to alert users of errors and provide guidance can be helpful.

Optimizing Excel Performance with Autofilter and VBA Code

As your dataset grows, optimizing the performance of your autofilter code becomes crucial. If your code is not optimized, the processing time for applying autofilter can increase exponentially. In this section, we will share tips and tricks to improve the speed and efficiency of your autofilter VBA code, ensuring smooth data analysis even with large datasets.

1. Use Arrays to Store Data

When working with large datasets, storing data in an array can significantly improve the performance of your code. By using arrays, you can load data into memory, making it faster and easier to search for specific values. For example:

'Declare array variable
Dim arrData() as Variant
'Transfer data to array
arrData = Range("A1:D1000").Value
'Apply autofilter on array
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
With ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D1000")
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">1000"
End With
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
End With

2. Filter Only Required Columns

When applying autofilter, only filter the columns that are necessary for your analysis. This can significantly reduce the processing time for your code. For example:

'Apply autofilter on columns A and B only
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
With ActiveSheet.Range("A:B")
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">1000"
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="apple"
End With
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
End With

3. Use xlFilterValues Instead of xlOr Operator

When applying multiple criteria using autofilter, use the xlFilterValues option instead of using the xlOr operator. This can significantly improve the processing time for your code. For example:

'Apply autofilter with multiple criteria
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
With ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D1000")
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=apple", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=banana"
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=Array("apples", "bananas"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
End With
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableEvents = True
End With

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Autofilter and VBA Code

Autofilter and VBA code are powerful tools for data analysis, but they can also cause frustrating issues and errors. Here are some common problems you may encounter and how to troubleshoot them:

Issue: Autofilter Not Working Properly

If your autofilter isn't applying the filters correctly, double-check the criteria you entered. Make sure you've selected the correct cell range and that the criteria match the data format (e.g., dates should be entered using the Date function). You can also try clearing the autofilter and reapplying it, or resetting the Excel workbook.

Issue: VBA Code Not Running

If your VBA code is not running, check if there are any syntax errors in the code. You can also try restarting Excel or resetting the workbook. Make sure that the macro security settings allow VBA code to run, and that the code is saved in the correct file format (.xlsm for macros).

Issue: Excel Crashing or Freezing

When working with large datasets, Excel may crash or freeze when applying autofilter or running VBA code. To avoid this, try optimizing your code and reducing the size of your data where possible. You can also adjust the calculation options to manual, which can speed up the process.

Issue: Error Messages

If you receive error messages when applying autofilter or running VBA code, check the message for details on what went wrong. This can help you identify the issue and fix it. Common errors include "Type mismatch", "Object required", or "Run-time error". You can also consult online forums and resources for solutions to specific error messages.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can resolve common issues when working with autofilter and VBA code in Excel. Remember to save backup copies of your work regularly to avoid losing any important data.

Best Practices for Using Autofilter and VBA Code

When working with autofilter and VBA code in Excel, following best practices can help maximize the effectiveness of your code and ensure efficient and reliable data analysis. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you implement best practices:

1. Always Include Error Handling

Include error handling in your code to handle any unexpected errors that may occur during the data analysis process. This will prevent your code from crashing and allow you to identify and fix errors quickly.

2. Name Variables Effectively

When naming variables, choose names that accurately describe the purpose of the variable. This will make your code more readable and easier to understand, both for yourself and for others who may use your code in the future.

3. Use Meaningful Comments

Adding comments throughout your code can help make it more decipherable to others. Use comments as a way to explain what the code is doing and why specific actions are being taken. Avoid adding unnecessary comments that detract from the overall readability of your code.

4. Use Functions and Subroutines

If you find yourself repeating the same code throughout your program, consider breaking it into a function or subroutine. This will make it easier to update and modify your code in the future and make your overall program more efficient.

5. Keep Your Code Organized

Maintaining a clean and organized codebase can help prevent errors and make your code easier to read and understand. Use indentation, proper spacing, and consistent naming conventions to keep your code organized and easy to navigate.

6. Test Your Code Thoroughly

Before applying your code to an entire dataset or process, test it thoroughly to ensure it works as intended. This will help you identify and fix any bugs or issues before they become more significant problems.

7. Stay Up-to-Date with Best Practices

Excel VBA code and autofilter functionality are constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay current on best practices and new features. Regularly check for updates and new information to help you optimize your data analysis process and stay ahead of the curve.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide, we hope that you have gained valuable insights into the world of Excel VBA code for autofilter. By following the step-by-step tutorial provided in this article, you can streamline your data analysis and improve your efficiency when working with large datasets.

Remember, mastering the use of VBA code for autofilter may take some time and practice, but the benefits are worth the effort. You can automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and save time that you can use to focus on other important aspects of your work.

Don't hesitate to experiment with the various techniques and best practices shared in this guide. Continuous learning and improvement are key to becoming a VBA code expert.

Thank you for choosing to read this article, and we wish you all the best in your Excel VBA code journey!


What is Excel VBA code?

Excel VBA code refers to the programming language used in Microsoft Excel for creating macros and automating tasks. It allows you to write custom code to manipulate data, perform calculations, and automate repetitive actions in Excel.

What is autofilter in Excel?

Autofilter is a feature in Excel that allows you to filter data based on specific criteria. It enables you to hide or display data that meets certain conditions, making it easier to analyze and work with large datasets.

How can I apply autofilter manually in Excel?

To apply autofilter manually in Excel, select the range of cells containing your data, go to the "Data" tab, and click on the "Filter" button. This will add filter dropdowns to each column, allowing you to choose the desired criteria for filtering.

How does autofilter work?

Autofilter works by evaluating the data in each column and hiding the rows that do not meet the specified criteria. It dynamically updates the displayed data as you change the filter settings, allowing you to focus on the information that is most relevant to your analysis.

How can I record a macro for autofilter?

To record a macro for autofilter, go to the "View" tab in Excel and click on the "Macros" button. Choose "Record Macro" and perform the steps to apply autofilter manually. Once you stop recording, the generated VBA code can be modified and reused to automate the process.

Can I write VBA code for autofilter from scratch?

Yes, you can write VBA code for autofilter from scratch. By using the programming language of VBA, you can create custom filters based on specific criteria and automate the process of applying autofilter in Excel.

How do I apply multiple filters with VBA code?

To apply multiple filters with VBA code, you can use logical operators such as AND and OR. By combining multiple criteria within your VBA code, you can create complex filtering conditions to narrow down your data and obtain more precise results.

How can I automate autofilter with VBA code?

Automating autofilter with VBA code allows you to apply filters to your data with a single click. By creating macros that contain the necessary VBA code to perform autofilter, you can save time and effort when working with large datasets in Excel.

Are there advanced techniques for using autofilter with VBA code?

Yes, there are advanced techniques for using autofilter with VBA code. You can dynamically apply autofilter based on changing criteria, work with dynamic ranges, handle errors, and implement other advanced concepts to enhance your data analysis capabilities in Excel.

How can I optimize Excel performance when using autofilter and VBA code?

To optimize Excel performance when using autofilter and VBA code, you can follow best practices such as minimizing the use of volatile functions, using efficient coding techniques, and avoiding excessive processing of unnecessary data. These optimizations can help improve the speed and efficiency of your data analysis workflows.

What are some common issues I may encounter with autofilter and VBA code?

Some common issues you may encounter when working with autofilter and VBA code include incorrect syntax, incorrect data types, unexpected behavior, and errors during the execution of your code. Troubleshooting these issues may involve reviewing your code, checking your data, and ensuring compatibility with different Excel versions.

What are the best practices for using autofilter and VBA code?

When using autofilter and VBA code, it is recommended to use clear and descriptive variable names, organize your code into logical sections, comment your code to explain its purpose and functionality, and regularly test and debug your code to ensure its reliability and accuracy. These best practices can help you maintain and enhance your code in the long run.