Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code for Filtering Data

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that allows efficient data management. One of the most useful features in Excel is filtering data, which helps you extract specific subsets of data based on your requirements. However, manually filtering data can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if you have a large dataset. That's where Excel VBA code comes in handy. With VBA code, you can automate the filtering process and save valuable time. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of using Excel VBA code for filtering data, providing you with step-by-step instructions to enhance your data management skills.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel VBA code can automate the data filtering process and save valuable time.
  • Understanding the basics of Excel VBA is crucial for filtering data effectively.
  • Preparing your data before filtering is essential for efficient filtering.
  • The Filter function in VBA is a powerful tool for specifying criteria for data filtering.
  • Automating filter criteria selection can streamline your data filtering process.

Understanding the Basics of Excel VBA

Excel VBA is a programming language that allows you to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks in Excel. By learning the basics of VBA programming, you can significantly enhance your Excel skills and perform data filtering tasks more efficiently. In this section, we will cover the essential concepts and syntax of Excel VBA, including:


Variables are used to store data temporarily in your code. In VBA, you can declare a variable using the Dim keyword and specify its data type, such as String, Integer, or Double. Here's an example:

Dim Name As String
Name = "John Doe"
MsgBox "Hello, " & Name & "!"

This code declares a Name variable of type String, assigns it the value "John Doe", and displays a message box with the text "Hello, John Doe!"


Loops allow you to repeat a set of instructions multiple times in your code. VBA supports several types of loops, including For, While, and Do While. Here's an example of a For loop:

For i = 1 To 10
    MsgBox i
Next i

This code displays a message box with the numbers from 1 to 10 in sequence.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements allow you to execute different code based on a condition. VBA supports If, ElseIf, and Else statements for conditional logic. Here's an example:

Dim Age As Integer
Age = 18
If Age < 18 Then
    MsgBox "You are not old enough to vote."
ElseIf Age <= 21 Then
    MsgBox "You can vote, but cannot drink yet."
    MsgBox "You can vote and drink legally."
End If

This code declares an Age variable, assigns it the value 18, and displays a message box with the text "You can vote, but cannot drink yet."

Now that you understand the basics of Excel VBA, you are ready to start creating your own macros and automating your data filtering tasks. Check out the next section for tips on preparing your data for efficient filtering.

Preparing Your Data for Filtering

Before you can effectively filter data using VBA code, it's crucial to properly prepare your data. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Remove Duplicates

Duplicate data can skew your filtering results and create errors. To avoid this, remove duplicates from your data set using Excel's built-in command.

2. Check for Consistency

Ensure that all data is consistently formatted. For example, dates should be in the same format throughout the dataset.

3. Organize Your Data

Data should be organized into logical groups to simplify the filtering process. Break down your data into categories and subcategories as needed.

4. Use Appropriate Data Types

Make sure that your data is formatted with the appropriate data types, such as dates, numbers, and text. If your data is not formatted correctly, filtering may return inaccurate or incomplete results.

5. Remove Unnecessary Data

Eliminate data that is not relevant or useful for filtering to streamline the process. This will help reduce the size of your data set and speed up your filtering.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your data is properly structured and ready for efficient filtering using VBA code.

Recording a Macro for Filtering Data

If you find yourself filtering data regularly in Excel, you can save time and effort by recording a macro to automate the process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you record a macro for filtering data in Excel:

  1. Open the Excel worksheet that contains the data you want to filter.
  2. Go to the "Developer" tab and click on "Record Macro".
  3. Enter a name for the macro and choose a shortcut key for it (e.g., "Ctrl+Shift+F").
  4. In the "Store macro in" dropdown, select "Personal Macro Workbook" to make the macro available to all your Excel files.
  5. Click "OK" to start recording the macro. Excel will start capturing every action you take.
  6. Apply the filter to your data as you normally would, choosing the criteria you wish to filter by.
  7. Once you're done filtering the data, click "Stop Recording" on the Developer tab. Your macro is now saved and ready to use!

Now that you have a recorded macro for filtering data, you can customize it further by editing the VBA code. To do so, go to the Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11), locate the macro in the "Modules" section, and make changes to the code as needed.

Understanding the Filter Function in VBA

In Excel VBA, the Filter function is an essential tool that simplifies the data filtering process. The Filter function is a built-in method in VBA that allows you to specify specific criteria while filtering data. This function can handle large datasets, allowing for complex filtering operations.

To use the Filter function in VBA, you need to first define the range or table and then specify the filter criteria. This function returns an array with all the filtered data.

Here’s how to use the Filter function:

  1. Open the VBA Editor and create a new module.
  2. Copy and paste the following code in the module:

Sub FilterData()

'Define the range to be filtered

Dim myRange As Range

Set myRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:L100")

'Define the criteria range, the column to filter, and the operator

Dim CriteriaRange As Range

Dim FilterColumn As Long

Dim Operator As Long

Set CriteriaRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Q1:R2")

FilterColumn = 2

Operator = xlFilterValues

'Apply filter to the range

myRange.AutoFilter Field:=FilterColumn, CriteriaRange:=CriteriaRange, Operator:=Operator

End Sub

  1. Replace “Sheet1” with the name of your worksheet and “A1:L100” with the range of cells to be filtered.
  2. Replace "Q1:R2" with the criteria range on which to filter the data.
  3. Change the column number in the "FilterColumn" variable to specify the column to filter.
  4. Run the subroutine to apply the filter to the specified range.

It is important to note that the Filter function uses different operators to specify the criteria, including equals, not equals, contains, and others. Additionally, the criteria range can be populated using cell references or an array.

The Filter function in VBA can help you filter and extract specific data subsets with greater efficiency and accuracy. This function can be easily customized to suit your specific filtering needs, unleashing the full potential of Excel for data analysis.

Applying Filters Using VBA Code

Now that you have a strong understanding of the Filter function, it's time to apply filters to your data using VBA code. Below, we provide a step-by-step guide to applying filters based on different criteria, so you can easily extract specific subsets of data that meet your needs.

Step 1: Select Your Data

The first step to applying filters using VBA code is to select the data you want to filter. To do this, use the following VBA code:


This will select the cells A1 through D10. Replace this selection with the range of cells containing your data.

Step 2: Define Your Filter Criteria

Next, you need to define the criteria for your filter using the Filter function. Here's an example VBA code that filters data based on a specific condition:

Range("A1:D10").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=100"

This code filters data in cells A1 through D10 where the value in the first column is greater than or equal to 100. You can modify the Field and Criteria1 parameters to filter by different columns and criteria as needed.

Step 3: Remove the Filter

Once you have finished filtering your data, it's important to remove the filter so you can work with your original dataset. Here's an example VBA code to remove the filter:

ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False

By following these steps, you can easily apply filters to your data using VBA code, making your data management tasks more efficient and effective.

Automating Filter Criteria Selection

Manually selecting filter criteria every time you filter data can be tedious and time-consuming, especially when filtering data based on the same criteria repeatedly. Excel VBA code offers a way to automate the selection of filter criteria and streamline your data filtering process. In this section, we will guide you on how to automate filter criteria selection using VBA code.

Step 1: Identify the Criteria Range

The first step in automating filter criteria selection is to identify the criteria range in your data set. This range includes the cells that contain the filter criteria. Use the following VBA code to define the criteria range:

Excel Version VBA Code
Excel 2010 and later Set CriteriaRange = Range("A1:A10")
Excel 2007 and earlier Set CriteriaRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")

Step 2: Define the Filter Criteria

The next step is to define the filter criteria using the criteria range. For instance, if you have a column of dates, you can filter the data to show only those dates within a certain range. Use the following VBA code to define the filter criteria:

Excel Version VBA Code
Excel 2010 and later Criteria1 = CriteriaRange
Excel 2007 and earlier Criteria1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")

Step 3: Apply the Filter Criteria to the Data

With the criteria range and filter criteria defined, you can now apply the filter using VBA code. Use the following VBA code to apply the filter:

Excel Version VBA Code
Excel 2010 and later ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D10").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Criteria1, Operator:=xlFilterValues
Excel 2007 and earlier Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Criteria1, Operator:=xlFilterValues

By executing the above VBA code, the filter criteria will be automatically selected and applied to your data set.

Using Advanced Filter Techniques

Excel VBA offers advanced filter techniques that allow you to handle complex data filtering scenarios effectively. These techniques can help you extract specific subsets of data with ease. In this section, we will explore the following advanced features:

Advanced Filter Techniques Description
Wildcards Characters that replace one or more characters in a string to filter data more efficiently.
Operators Operators such as "And", "Or" and "Not" allow you to apply multiple conditions to filter data.
Multiple Criteria Techniques to apply filters based on multiple criteria, ensuring accurate extraction of specific data sets.

Using these advanced filter techniques can improve your efficiency and accuracy when working with large amounts of data. To get started, follow the step-by-step guide below:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Understand the syntax and usage of wildcards. Wildcards are special characters that can replace one or more characters in a string. Example: You can use "?" to replace a single character or "*" to replace several characters in a string.
  2. Learn how to use operators. Operators such as "And", "Or", and "Not" can help you filter data based on multiple conditions. Example: You can use "And" and "Or" to specify two or more search criteria for a filter.
  3. Use multiple criteria to extract specific data sets. This technique combines several conditions to filter data based on specific criteria. Example: You can set up filters based on multiple criteria like Name, Date and Location to extract specific data sets.

By applying these advanced filter techniques, you can handle complex filtering tasks quickly and efficiently. Combining these techniques with your existing filtering skills can help you achieve even greater results.

Creating Custom Filter Views

Custom filter views are a handy feature that enables you to save specific filter settings for quick and easy access. By creating custom filter views, you can avoid repetitive filter tasks and speed up your filtering process.

To create a custom filter view, follow these steps:

  1. Select the data range you want to filter.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab and click on "Filter" to open the "Filter" dialog box.
  3. Apply the filter criteria you want to save in the custom view.
  4. Go to the "View" tab and click on "Custom Views" to open the "Custom Views" dialog box.
  5. Click on "Add" and enter a name for the custom view.
  6. Click "OK" to save the custom view.

Once you've created a custom filter view, you can easily access it by going to the "View" tab and selecting the view from the "Custom Views" dropdown list. You can also modify or delete custom views by using the "Custom Views" dialog box.

Using VBA code, you can create custom filter views programmatically, giving you even greater control over your filtering process. Here's an example code that creates a custom view named "High Sales," which filters data for sales above $50,000:


        Sub CreateCustomView()
            ActiveWorkbook.CustomViews.Add Viewname:="High Sales", Rowcol:=1, _
            Printsettings:=False, Columnwidth:=False

            ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Range.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">50000"

            ActiveWorkbook.CustomViews("High Sales").Show
        End Sub

In the above code, "Table1" is the name of the table you want to filter, while "Field:=2" refers to the column to filter. You can modify this code to create custom views based on your specific criteria.

Handling Errors and Exceptions

While filtering data using VBA code in Excel, errors and exceptions can sometimes occur. Understanding how to handle these issues is critical to maintaining the integrity of your filtering process. Here are some error handling techniques that you can use to ensure the smooth execution of your code:

  • Include error handling code: To catch errors and handle exceptions in your VBA code, you can use the On Error statement. This statement helps you to anticipate errors that may occur in your code and take appropriate action to prevent the entire program from crashing.
  • Use Debugging tools: When errors occur, it can be helpful to use debugging tools to find the issue's root cause. You can use breakpoints to stop the code at specific points and examine the data values at that particular moment. Similarly, the immediate window can be used to test code and check the values of variables.
  • Print error messages: When an error occurs, it's crucial to provide clear and concise feedback to end-users. You can use VBA's built-in message box function to display error messages indicating the problem and how to resolve it.

By implementing these techniques, you can ensure a smooth and successful filtering process, free of errors and exceptions.

Testing and Debugging VBA Code

Thoroughly testing and debugging your VBA code is crucial to identify issues or errors before deploying it for filtering data. Follow these best practices to ensure that your code runs smoothly and delivers accurate results:

  • Test your code as you write it: This helps identify errors or issues earlier, making it easier to fix them with minimal disruption.
  • Break down the testing process into smaller tests: This helps to identify errors or issues in specific areas of your code, making it easier to pinpoint their location.
  • Use breakpoints to stop the code: This allows you to examine the code at specific points, helping you identify the cause of any errors or issues.
  • Print values and variables: This helps you understand the behavior of your code and identify any errors or issues with specific values or variables.
  • Use error handling: Implementing error handling can help you detect errors or issues in your code, providing a clear indication of what went wrong and where.

In addition to testing your code, debugging is another essential step to ensure that it runs smoothly. When debugging your VBA code, make sure to:

  • Understand the error message: Error messages provide detailed information about what went wrong with your code, making it easier to identify the cause of any issues.
  • Explore the locals and immediate window: These windows allow you to inspect the values and variables of your code, helping you identify any issues that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Step through the code: This helps you understand how your code works and identify any errors or issues as they occur.

By following these testing and debugging best practices, you can ensure that your VBA code runs smoothly and accurately filters your data.

Example Debugging Output:

Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range

Code Line Description Error
10 Declares array variable No error
15 Assigns value to array variable based on user input No error
20 Accesses element in array based on user input Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range


In conclusion, this step-by-step guide has provided you with the knowledge and tools necessary to efficiently filter data using Excel VBA code. By understanding the basics of VBA programming, preparing your data for filtering, and leveraging advanced filter techniques, you now have the ability to handle complex data filtering scenarios with ease.

Custom filter views and automated filter criteria selection will save you time and boost your productivity. Error handling techniques and best practices for testing and debugging VBA code will ensure the integrity of your filtering process.

With your newfound skills, you can take advantage of Excel's powerful data filtering capabilities to optimize your data management tasks and improve your workflow. So what are you waiting for? Start filtering your data like a pro with Excel VBA code today!


Can Excel VBA code be used for filtering data?

Yes, Excel VBA code can be used to filter data in Excel. It provides a powerful toolset for automating and customizing the filtering process.

Do I need to have a strong understanding of Excel VBA before filtering data?

It is recommended to have a basic understanding of Excel VBA fundamentals, such as variables, loops, and conditional statements, before diving into filtering data using VBA code.

How do I prepare my data for filtering with VBA code?

To prepare your data for filtering using VBA code, it's important to organize and clean your data, ensuring that it is in a structured format and free from any inconsistencies or errors.

Can I record a macro for filtering data and customize it?

Yes, Excel allows you to record your actions as a macro for filtering data. Once recorded, you can edit and customize the macro to suit your specific filtering needs.

What is the Filter function in VBA?

The Filter function in VBA is a powerful tool that allows you to specify criteria for data filtering. It can be used to extract specific subsets of data based on your defined criteria.

How can I apply filters to my data using VBA code?

There are various techniques to apply filters to your data using VBA code. These techniques involve specifying filter criteria and applying them to the desired columns in your data.

Is it possible to automate the selection of filter criteria with VBA code?

Yes, you can automate the selection of filter criteria using VBA code. This allows you to streamline your data filtering process, especially if you often filter data based on the same criteria.

What are some advanced filter techniques in Excel VBA?

Excel VBA provides advanced filter techniques such as wildcards, operators, and multiple criteria. These techniques allow you to handle complex data filtering scenarios effectively.

Can I create custom filter views using VBA code?

Yes, you can create custom filter views using VBA code. This allows you to save specific filter settings for quick and easy access to different views of your data.

How should I handle errors while filtering data using VBA code?

It's important to handle errors while filtering data using VBA code to maintain the integrity of your filtering process. You can use error handling techniques to catch and handle any errors or exceptions that may occur.

What are the best practices for testing and debugging VBA code for data filtering?

Before deploying your VBA code for filtering data, it's crucial to thoroughly test and debug it to identify any potential issues or errors. Following best practices for testing and debugging will ensure that your code runs smoothly and delivers accurate results.

What are the benefits of mastering Excel VBA code for data filtering?

Mastering Excel VBA code for data filtering can significantly enhance your data management skills and improve your productivity. It allows you to automate and customize the filtering process, saving you time and effort.