Step by Step Guide on Excel VBA Code For Today's Date

If you use Excel regularly, you know how time-consuming it can be to input dates manually into your spreadsheets. Fortunately, there's a solution that can save you time and streamline your workflow: Excel VBA code for today's date.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with a step by step guide on how to use Excel VBA code to insert today's date into your spreadsheets effortlessly. Whether you're a beginner or experienced user, our instructions will help you achieve your goal in no time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel VBA code is designed for automation and customization within Microsoft Office applications.
  • Setting up the VBA editor is the first step in writing and running VBA code in Excel.
  • Creating a new macro provides a platform to insert your VBA code for today's date.
  • Writing and adding the VBA code to your macro is essential to execute the desired action.
  • Customizing the VBA code will allow you to fit the date format to best suit your needs and preferences.

Understanding VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Before we jump into writing code, it's essential to grasp what VBA is and its importance in Excel. VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications, which is a programming language explicitly designed for automation and customization within Microsoft Office applications. By harnessing VBA, you can extend Excel functionality and automate repetitive tasks to save time and streamline workflow.

With VBA, you can create custom programs that interact with Excel and automate a series of repetitive actions that would usually require manual intervention. By automating such tasks, VBA can help save time, reduce the likelihood of human error, and improve overall efficiency.

Furthermore, VBA is useful because it provides access to many features and capabilities in Excel, which may not be available through the standard Excel interface. You can use VBA to create macros that perform complex operations, manipulate data, and interact with other applications.

To extend your knowledge, check out Table 2 below, which showcases how VBA can help streamline workflow. For instance, automating the creation of invoices or schedules files is possible with VBA, saving time and reducing the risk of mistakes.

Example VBA Macro Function
Inserting current date Automatically updates a cell with today's date each time a worksheet is opened or edited
Creating invoices Automates the creation of invoices by pulling data from various Excel worksheets and databases
Generating schedules Automatically generates employee schedules based on specific criteria such as time availability and job skills

In the next section, we'll walk you through the steps to set up the VBA Editor in Excel, so you have the necessary environment in place to write and run your code.

Setting Up the VBA Editor

To write your VBA code for today's date, you will need to access the VBA editor in Excel. Don't worry though, the setup process is quick and easy!

Step 1: Enabling the Developer Tab

The first step to access the VBA editor is to enable the Developer tab in Excel. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on "File" in the top left corner of Excel.
  2. Click on "Options".
  3. Select "Customize Ribbon".
  4. Under "Main Tabs" on the right-hand side, check the box next to "Developer".
  5. Click "OK".

Step 2: Accessing the VBA Editor

Once you have enabled the Developer tab, you can access the VBA editor by following these steps:

  1. Click on the "Developer" tab in Excel.
  2. Click on the "Visual Basic" button.

That's it! You have now successfully set up the VBA editor and can begin writing your code.

Keep in mind that if you're new to VBA or coding in general, it may take some time to get used to the editor and language. However, with practice and determination, you'll be a coding pro in no time!

Creating a New Macro

Now that we understand what a macro is, it's time to create a new one to hold the VBA code for today's date. Follow these step by step instructions to create a new macro in Excel:

  1. Open the workbook you want to create the macro in.
  2. Click the Developer tab in the Ribbon. If you can't see the Developer tab, enable it by clicking File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Main Tabs > Select the Developer checkbox.
  3. Click the Visual Basic button in the Code group to open the VBA editor.
  4. In the VBA editor, click Insert > Module.
  5. Type a name for the new module in the Name box.
  6. Click OK.

Great! We now have a new macro module in which to insert our VBA code for today's date.

The next step is to start writing the code. In the next section, we'll guide you through the process of writing the VBA code for today's date.

Writing the VBA Code

With the VBA editor set up and a new macro created, it's time to write the code that will insert today's date into your Excel spreadsheet. Follow these simple steps:

  1. In the VBA editor, navigate to the macro you just created and select it.
  2. Enter the following code snippet:

ActiveCell.Value = Date

The above code reads the current date using the "Date" function in VBA and then assigns it to the active cell, meaning the cell that is currently selected in your spreadsheet.

Notice that the code snippet is short, simple, and easy to understand, even for beginners. This is one of the many strengths of VBA code – it allows you to automate complex tasks with just a few lines of code.

It's important to note that the code syntax is case-sensitive and must be entered with precision. A single typo can result in errors that prevent the code from running as intended. Make sure to double-check your code for accuracy.

With the code written, the next step is to add it to your macro, which we'll cover in the next section.

Adding the Code to Your Macro

Now that you have written your VBA code for today's date, it's time to add it to your macro. This step is essential to ensure that the code will run and execute the desired action of inserting the current date into your spreadsheet when the macro is run.

To add the code to your macro:

  1. Open the macro that you created in Section 4: Creating a New Macro.
  2. Locate the line where you want to insert the date. This can be anywhere within the macro.
  3. Type or paste the code into the appropriate line.
  4. Save the macro.

It's important to make sure that you have inserted the code into the correct location within your macro. Otherwise, the macro may not work as intended, or it may not work at all. With your VBA code successfully incorporated into your macro, you're now ready to run the macro and see the current date automatically inserted into your spreadsheet.

Running the Macro

Now that you have added the VBA code to your macro, it's time to run it and execute the code for today's date. Follow these simple steps to see the current date automatically inserted into your spreadsheet:

  1. Open the spreadsheet where you created your macro.
  2. Click on the "View" tab in Excel's main menu.
  3. Select "Macros" to open the Macros dialog box.
  4. Select the macro that you created for inserting today's date.
  5. Click on the "Run" button.
  6. Watch as the current date is automatically inserted into your selected cell!

It's that easy to run a macro in Excel and execute your VBA code. By running this macro, you are saving time and improving efficiency in your workflow. To take your Excel skills to the next level, continue customizing the code to meet your specific preferences.

Customizing the Code for Date Formatting

By default, the VBA code we provided will insert today's date using the "m/d/yyyy" format. However, you may prefer a different format, such as "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY". Fortunately, customizing the date format in our VBA code is a breeze. Follow our step by step guide to tailor the date format to your liking.

  1. Open the VBA editor by pressing "Alt + F11".
  2. Find the macro that contains the VBA code for inserting the date.
  3. Locate the line of code that reads "ActiveCell.Value = Date". This is the line that actually inserts the date into the cell.
  4. To change the date format, modify the code to read as follows:

    ActiveCell.Value = Format(Date, "MM/DD/YYYY")

  5. Replace "MM/DD/YYYY" with the desired date format code. Some common formats include:
  • "MM/DD/YYYY" for month/day/year
  • "DD/MM/YYYY" for day/month/year
  • "MMM D, YYYY" for month abbreviation, day, and year (e.g. Jan 1, 2022)
  • "DD-MMM-YYYY" for day, month abbreviation, and year (e.g. 01-Jan-2022)
  • Save your changes and run the macro to see the modified date format in action.
  • With this simple customization, you can now display the current date in any format you wish. Experiment with different formats to find the one that suits your needs best.

    Saving and Reusing the Macro

    Once you have successfully inserted the VBA code for today's date and created your macro, it's time to learn how to save and reuse it for future projects.

    Saving Your Macro

    To save your macro, follow these simple steps:

    1. Click on the "Save" icon in the "Developer" tab.
    2. Enter a name for your macro in the "Macro name" field.
    3. Choose where you want to save your macro from the "Store macro in" drop-down menu.
    4. Click on "OK" to save your macro.

    Once you have saved your macro, you can easily access it by clicking on the "Macros" button in the "Developer" tab.

    Reusing Your Macro

    Reusing your macro is as easy as accessing it in the "Macros" dialog box. Simply select the macro you want to use and click on "Run" to execute the VBA code and insert today's date into your spreadsheet.

    Furthermore, you can add your saved macro to your Quick Access Toolbar in Excel for even faster access. To add your macro, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the Quick Access Toolbar and select "Customize Quick Access Toolbar".
    2. Select "Macros" from the "Choose commands from" drop-down menu.
    3. Select the macro you want to add from the list and click on "Add".
    4. Click on "OK" to save your changes.

    Now, your macro will be easily accessible from the Quick Access Toolbar, saving you even more time!

    With this knowledge, you can easily save and reuse your VBA code for today's date in any Excel project, increasing your productivity and streamlining your workflow.

    Troubleshooting Common Issues

    While using VBA code for today's date can enhance your Excel projects, errors or unexpected behavior may occur. In this section, we will address some of the common issues that users may encounter and provide tips to resolve them.

    Issue 1: Today’s Date Not Displaying Correctly

    If the date is not appearing as expected, the issue may be related to the date format. Double-check that the format in the code matches the desired format in the spreadsheet. If that doesn't work, try replacing the current code with this revision:

    ActiveCell.Value = Format(Date, "MM/DD/YYYY")

    Issue 2: Macro Not Running or Giving an Error Message

    If your macro is not running or displaying an error message, check that all of the code is properly written and there are no syntax errors. One common cause is neglecting to add a closing statement for a loop or function. Alternatively, check that any necessary add-ins or related software are properly installed and functioning.

    Issue 3: Compatibility with Other Excel Versions

    If you create a macro on one version of Excel and then try to use it on another version, it may not work correctly. Check the compatibility of the macro with the other Excel version.

    Issue 4: Performance Issues

    If your macro is running slowly or causing performance issues, it may be due to the amount of data involved. Consider narrowing down the range of cells your macro applies to or optimizing your code for better performance.

    If you encounter any issues, try our troubleshooting tips to get your code running smoothly. By following our step by step guide and troubleshooting common issues, you can leverage the full power of Excel VBA code for today's date.


    In conclusion, utilizing Excel VBA code for today's date is a simple and effective way to enhance the functionality of your spreadsheets. By automating the insertion of the current date, you can save time and increase efficiency in your work processes.

    We hope that our step by step guide has provided you with the necessary knowledge and tools to incorporate VBA code for today's date into your Excel projects. By following our instructions, you can effortlessly insert the current date and customize the date format to suit your needs.

    Remember, VBA is a powerful programming language, and there are many other functions and actions that can be automated using it. By mastering VBA, you can become a more skilled Excel user and streamline your workflow even further.

    So what are you waiting for? Start exploring the possibilities of VBA and take your Excel skills to the next level!


    What is Excel VBA code?

    Excel VBA code stands for Visual Basic for Applications code specifically designed for automation and customization within Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel. It allows users to extend Excel's functionality and automate repetitive tasks to save time and streamline workflow.

    How can Excel VBA code be used for today’s date?

    Excel VBA code can be used to insert today's date into spreadsheets. By utilizing the code, users can automate the insertion of the current date and ensure accurate and up-to-date information in their Excel projects.

    Is this step by step guide suitable for both beginners and experienced users?

    Yes, this step by step guide is suitable for both beginners and experienced users. The instructions provided are comprehensive and easy to follow, ensuring that users of all levels can incorporate today's date using Excel VBA code effortlessly.

    How do I set up the VBA editor in Excel?

    To set up the VBA editor in Excel, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the guide. These instructions will ensure that you have the necessary environment in place to write and run your VBA code for today's date.

    What exactly is a macro?

    A macro is a set of instructions that automate specific actions within an application. In the context of this guide, creating a new macro in Excel provides a platform to insert the VBA code for today's date. The macro executes the VBA code when run, resulting in the automatic insertion of the current date into your spreadsheet.

    How do I write the VBA code for today’s date?

    The guide includes the exact VBA code snippet for inserting today's date into your Excel spreadsheets. Each component of the code is explained in detail, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of its functionality.

    Once I have the VBA code, how do I add it to my macro?

    Adding the VBA code to your macro is a crucial step to ensure that the desired action of inserting today's date is executed when the macro is run. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add the code to your macro in Excel.

    How do I run the macro and execute the VBA code?

    Running the macro is essential to execute the VBA code for today's date. The guide outlines the steps to run your macro and demonstrates how the current date is automatically inserted into your spreadsheet.

    Can I customize the date format displayed in my spreadsheet?

    Yes, you can customize the date format displayed in your spreadsheet by modifying the VBA code. The guide provides instructions on how to customize the code for date formatting so that you can tailor it to your specific needs and preferences.

    How can I save and reuse the macro for future use?

    Once you have successfully inserted today's date using VBA code, the guide walks you through the process of saving the macro. Saving the macro allows you to reuse it in future projects, saving you time and effort.

    What if I encounter issues or errors when working with VBA code?

    If you encounter issues or errors when working with VBA code, the guide includes a troubleshooting section. It addresses common issues that users may face and provides helpful tips to resolve them, ensuring a smooth experience with Excel VBA code for today's date.