How to convert Google Sheets to Excel

Google Sheets is an online tool that resembles the Excel application. Both tools have rows and columns, and cells that hold the dataset. Did you know you can convert a Google Sheets document to an Excel document? This allows you to open the document in the Excel application. Google Sheets allows users to work on the document while online, while on the other side, Excel allows users to open and edit documents in offline mode. This post will discuss workarounds related to converting Google sheets to Excel and vice versa.

To Convert Google Sheets to Excel

Below are the steps when converting the Google Sheets document to Excel:

1. To get started, you must log into your Google account or Sheets screen. To use the Google Sheets Tool, one must have a Google Account. If you don’t have one, follow this link to create one

2. Log in to the site with your Google Account details. In the Google Account screen, click on the Apps Icon and select Sheets from the menu.

3. Click on the Blank button to open a blank spreadsheet. On the spreadsheet, edit and add your dataset to the empty cells.

4. Click on the Untitled spreadsheet and edit it. Then, add the name of your Google sheet File. Now, the file is ready for conversion.

5. Click the File tab on the Ribbon on the leftmost side of the Ribbon.

6. From the menu, hover the cursor over the Download button. From the side-view menu, choose the Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) button to download the file in Excel.

7. Locate the downloaded in your device and double-click on it to open.

To convert Excel to Google Sheets


1. Open the Excel application.

2. Open a new workbook and add the dataset you wish to convert to Google sheets.

3. Save the Excel document on your device.

4. Log in to your Google Account with your Google Account details. In the Google Account screen, click on the Apps Icon and select Drive from the menu.

5. Click the New button and select the File Upload option. Locate the Excel you want to convert to Google Sheets, and click the Open button.

The Excel document will be saved in your Drive.

6. Right-click on the added sheet, and hover the cursor over the Open With button. Then, choose the Google Sheets option.

To Convert Google Sheets (Contacts) to Excel

1. Using your favorite browser, type this link in the google section and hit the Enter button.

2. Log in to the site with your Google Account details.

3. In the left pane, click on the Contacts and select the contacts you wish to export to an Excel file. Alternatively, you can click the Other Contacts button.

4. Then, click the Export button on the left pane.

5. An Export dialogue box will open. In the dialogue box, toggle on the Selected Contacts button.

6. To Export as an Excel File, toggle on the Google CSV button.

7. Finally, click the Export button.