50 Excel tips and tricks for beginners

50 Excel tips and tricks for beginners

As a beginner, the process of creating excel spreadsheets, completing formulas and functions can be devastating. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you put data manually, you have missed a process that can be done automatically. Sometimes you don't have free time to watch tutorials. Nonetheless, you can master simple commands to

How to recover and repair corrupt excel files

How to recover and repair corrupt excel files

Any computer user knows that there is no guarantee that their data is hundred percent safe. Data insecurity implies hacking and viruses, and other reasons that may lead to corrupt files in your computer. Microsoft office suite files also face this challenge. Corrupted files in Excel can be the most uncomfortable position a user finds

How to send excel report to outside clients

How to send excel report to outside clients

Microsoft Excel is a program used every day in companies and businesses. Many analysts, agencies, and consulting firms use Excel to create reports for internal and external clients. They do these reports to capture the client's needs by offering them a unique solution. It is possible to share your excel workbook report with outside clients

How to fix Excel keeps shutting down problem

How to fix Excel keeps shutting down problem

Excel is undoubtedly a very useful and good application when it comes to editing and scripting documents. However, they say anything with advantages has corresponding disadvantages; the same applies when working with Excel. Locking up and shutting down unexpectedly is a major problem experienced by Excel users when working on their workbooks. The following factors

How to do a case sensitive lookup in Excel

How to do a case sensitive lookup in Excel

Most users know the VLOOKUP function is not that case-sensitive. For example, when you look up for DAN, dan, Dan to VLOOKUP, all this is the same. The function will return the first matching value regardless of its case.   ​VLOOKUP Case sensitive functions. You can have a table like this; as you can see,

How to create and edit a drop-down in Excel

How to create and edit a drop-down in Excel

Working with Excel worksheets can be more efficient and straightforward by using drop-down lists. These lists allow you to create a list of choices that you can select from a given field. Therefore, drop-down lists are a great data entry tool when you want a user to select items from a list you have created

How to use the INFO function in excel

How to use the INFO function in excel

The INFO function is an inbuilt function found in excel and serves as an information function. It is used to display details like recalculation mode, excel version, and the number of worksheets available in open workbooks. Also, it provides information about the operating environment, such as OS version and OS. Description of the function INFO

How to consolidate Excel data

How to consolidate Excel data

Working with separate worksheets can be stressful, especially if they contain important data. You can quickly solve this issue by consolidating data from different worksheets in a master worksheet. Consolidating data means that you assemble data for easier updating. Therefore, using Excel's Consolidation tool, you can combine and summarize data from multiple files or sheets.