How to calculate 95 confidence interval in Excel

How to calculate 95 confidence interval in Excel

Excel is a veritable tool for statistical analysis, and the CONFIDENCE function is one of the popular tools. When working on a population mean, you can use the CONFIDENCE function to evaluate the interval of confidence on a normal distribution. Excel has a special formula for evaluating the CONFIDENCE level, and it has diverse uses

How to get rid of dotted lines in Excel

How to get rid of dotted lines in Excel

If you are a regular excel user, you should know how important it is to maintain a clean and well-arranged spreadsheet clean. It doesn't matter whether your documents are for personal use or official. The chances are that the dotted lines are unappealing to the eyes and can mess out of your work. Removing the

How to insert checkbox in Excel

How to insert checkbox in Excel

The checkbox is a common soft tool that is usually found on web pages and forms. On excel and in other web forms, the checkbox is very efficient for selecting and deselecting options. It forms the building blocks of dashboards, dynamic charts, and checklists on excel. In Excel, a checkbox is an interactive tool that

How to sum a filtered column in Excel

How to sum a filtered column in Excel

In excel we have numerous built-in functions, commands, formulas, and even capabilities. All these built-in functions have a particular role to play in the excel sheets. Their functions may differ depending on their general usage in the excel sheets. We do can the sum of columns or rows in excel sheets with the aid of

How to transpose columns to rows in Excel

How to transpose columns to rows in Exce

The choice of what values to appear on the column or the rows may be a challenge especially when we are dealing with sensitive data. You may choose the column header of a particular data set but find that the column header would have been better being used on the side of the rows. This

How to write multiple lines in a cell in Excel

How to write multiple lines in a cell in Excel

In excel sheets we may also be interested in maximizing space apart from just recording the data from various findings, we can maximize space by either writing two lines on a single cell or using shorter words. Writing two lines on a particular cell does not only save on space but also helps to congest

How to write text vertically in Excel

How to write text vertically in Excel

The most common type of writing is got to be horizontal writing where the texts, characters, and numbers originate from the left going to the right unless some adjustments have been done to the writing or paragraphing. The horizontal writing format is common because it is easier to read and comprehend faster. The vertical writing

How to calculate years between two dates in Excel

How to calculate years between two dates in Excel

All aspects of life revolve around time. All daily activities we do in our life also depend on time. We all need to keep track of time because it is temporary. Time is measured or accounted for in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. To calculate years between years is the general act

How to remove 0 in front of a number in Excel

How to remove 0 in front of a number in Excel

When we are counting integers and digits, we rely on the 0 value as our starting point. All numbers also happen to evolve on the 0 value. The 0 value happens to appear everywhere in the numbering systems, whether, in decimal or whole numbers, the value 0 will be there. This 0 value implies a