Complete Guide, How to work with themes in Excel

How to work with themes in Excel

A theme can be described as a set of preconfigured fonts, colors, and styling behavior. Themes are usually applied to create a professional or good-looking appearance. Microsoft office suite has similar themes that can be applied to documents of various types. Being able to customize and set your favorite theme is, therefore, an added advantage

Complete Guide on Range-Naming Operations in MS Excel

Range-Naming Operations in MS Excel

Excel is one of the many spreadsheets that manipulates data through the use of Ranges. A range in Excel is usually a group of cells. In most cases, these cells are usually adjacent cells that are referenced or selected so as to perform a common action on them. With Ranges, one can: name, adjust their

How to Count Unique Values in a Column

Different Ways in Excel How to Count Unique Values in a Column

Microsoft Excel has helped people and businesses in solving the hardest tasks every day by making the work less tedious and very easy for them. It is a spreadsheet in the Microsoft Office suite of applications that individuals and businesses are using for their everyday operations. It's very easy to manipulate spreadsheet tables of values

How to sort alphabetically in Excel and keep rows together

Sort Excel function

I understand using excel can be a daunting task, especially to newbies. The good thing is that there are many online resources to help you maneuver every corner of MS Excel. Today, we are going to discuss on how to sort alphabetically without interfering with the rows. This can be very challenging especially if you

How to apply the same formula to multiple cells in Excel

How to apply the same formula to multiple cells in Excel

For excel, nothing saves time than the use of formulas. As a matter of fact, this is the bread and butter of this Microsoft Office application. However, crafting a useful formula is the hardest of all things to do with excel. Besides that, you need to know how to apply that specific formula to multiple

How to sort alphabetically in excel with Multiple columns

sort alphabetically in excel with Multiple columns

Excel is one of the most useful Microsoft Office applications and yet one of the most complicated to use especially for people with little knowledge about the same. This tutorial and many others to follow will teach you the basic functions of excel and how to perform some simple actions in excel. In this guide,

Excel extract text from string between characters

Excel extract text from string between characters

Microsoft has been in use for a long time to create grids of texts. It is essentially a spreadsheet program which is the reason why it's so successful in creating texts, and numbers and having specific calculations through excel formulas. Its functionality is very useful for both individuals and businesses. Businesses use Excel to keep

Apply formula to the entire column without dragging

Apply formula to the entire column without dragging

Excel is helping people and businesses solve some of the hardest tasks. This Microsoft application also makes it very easy and simple for anybody to compute some problems that would otherwise take a lot of time doing manually. I can guess that you need an easy and faster way of solving some of these issues