How to put a picture behind the text in Excel

How to put a picture behind the text in Excel

Did you know you can add a background image to your excel data? Excel has unique features that allow its users to insert a background image on their data. The background image helps in making the data have an interesting. Two methods can be used to insert a background image on your Excel document. These

How to rotate text in Excel 90 degrees

How to rotate text in Excel 90 degrees

Changing how data appears is sometimes necessary may by tilting text to certain angles or changing its alignment in excel. In excel 2007 you may use the orientation button on the home tab to rotate data cells. This can either be clockwise, counterclockwise or even vertical. You also are provided with a more precise orientation

How do you enter within a text in Excel?

How do you enter within a text in Excel?

When working with Excel worksheets in manipulating and storing text entries, at times you may want a certain part of your text to start within a new line. To do this, you may need to enter within a text. In contrast to other Office applications, to do this in excel you need to use a

How to make Excel Cells bigger

How to make Excel Cells bigger

It is challenging to work with a poor0formatted spread/worksheet. For example, the cells may be too large or too small in terms of how many decimal places a value may have, or generally the length of the value. This hinders you from seeing the entire value, hence making your work null. There is, therefore, a

How to check spelling in Excel

How to check spelling in Excel

Excel cannot auto-correct the spelling and grammar as you type a text in the spreadsheet unless you specifically enable it in the Autocorrect options. While in word and PowerPoints they auto-correct as you type. For you to check the spelling of any text in the worksheet, click on Reviews and go to the spelling. Changes

How to insert a checkmark or tick in Excel

How to insert a checkmark or tick in Excel

A check or tick mark is a special symbol used to express the concept "yes." You can use this symbol in your document without having to use the checkbox functionality. There are various ways you can insert a checkmark into your Excel document. In this article, we shall discuss some of the common ways used.