How to send excel report to outside clients

How to send excel report to outside clients

Microsoft Excel is a program used every day in companies and businesses. Many analysts, agencies, and consulting firms use Excel to create reports for internal and external clients. They do these reports to capture the client's needs by offering them a unique solution. It is possible to share your excel workbook report with outside clients

How to make a spreadsheet searchable in Excel

How to make a spreadsheet searchable in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a good tool when creating reports, forecasts, and budgets. Most companies' excel reports tend to be large hence becoming hard for one to locate certain things. To solve this issue, you can create a search box in excel to look for anything in your spreadsheet. Doing so is very easy and convenient

How to protect cells in Excel

How to protect cells in Excel

Protection is vital for all things and documents. Excel allows its users to protect their documents from being editable and protect the document's original content. This excel feature only allows authorized users to re-edit the document as it may require one to enter the protection password before editing. The protection feature of excel involves pretty

How to display date using Excel function

How to display date using Excel function

Excel is equipped with a variety of functions that are assigned various tasks within the excel environment. The date function is one of excel's features. If you're working on data that involves specified dates and date references, you need to learn to use this function. Like other excel features, the date function plays a vital

How to Add Odd Numbers Only in Range

How to add odd numbers only in range

If you have a worksheet full of odd numbers and you want to add them, you can use this formula to get their sum. The formula {=SUM(Range*(MOD(Range,2)=1))} Do not type out of the brackets. Hold CTRL+shift, then press Enter while still in edit mode to create an array formula. RANGE= is the range of values

How to link a cell to a picture

How to link a cell to a picture

IN the earlier version, people used to call picture links camera snapshots. It's quite helpful when it comes to placing company logos into a company document. The picture link enables the user to resize the logo when they resize the size of the cell. It's easy for the user to insert, resize, move or filter

How to put multiple data in one cell in excel

How to put multiple data in one cell in excel

You can combine more data from different into a single cell. There are many ways we can combine data into one cell, for example, "The ampersand symbol" the CONCAT function. The steps to combine multiple data from different cells into a single cell 1. Open up your workbook. 2. Select the cell you want to

How to fix Excel keeps shutting down problem

How to fix Excel keeps shutting down problem

Excel is undoubtedly a very useful and good application when it comes to editing and scripting documents. However, they say anything with advantages has corresponding disadvantages; the same applies when working with Excel. Locking up and shutting down unexpectedly is a major problem experienced by Excel users when working on their workbooks. The following factors

How to Split/Divide Excel Cells – 4 Methods with Examples

How to Split/Divide Excel Cells

We are used to working with whole excel cells within columns and rows. At times, you find yourself working with data imported from other sources or even working with data that is not in the format you are used to. Such data can appear in one cell alone (especially when working with texts with limited

How to do a case sensitive lookup in Excel

How to do a case sensitive lookup in Excel

Most users know the VLOOKUP function is not that case-sensitive. For example, when you look up for DAN, dan, Dan to VLOOKUP, all this is the same. The function will return the first matching value regardless of its case.   ​VLOOKUP Case sensitive functions. You can have a table like this; as you can see,