How Vlookup to return the max value from multiple hits in Excel

How Vlookup to return the max value from multiple hits in Excel

We have several mathematical functions provided in or by Microsoft Excel. Some of these functions are; v-lookup, min, max, mean, mode, and median. They all have their basic function to perform in the excel sheet. V-lookup or vertical lookup as the name suggests is a mathematical function that does the searching of data in multiple

How to find max value in range with criteria in Excel

How to find max value in range with criteria in Excel

Max, as used in the above statement, is the short form for the word maximum. Maximum is a mathematical function used when we are referring to the value with the largest limit in any data range. When data is defined by either minimum or maximum function, you know absolutely comparison is being done or differentiation

Excel min and max in the same formula

Excel min and max in the same formula

Whenever we are handling numbers, values, ranges, and figures there is always the need to identify the minimum value of all the values and the maximum values of all the values. We get the minimum or maximum values in any given set of data to be able to find the range of the data. In

How to count cells that start with a specific letter

How to count cells that start with a specific letter

The majority of activities or scenarios we happen to come across in our daily lives will always involve counting in one way or the other. Nearly everything depends on or revolves on counting in this world. We count to obtain the value of things numerically or in terms of numeral values. The act of tallying

How to count cells that start with a specific number in Excel

How to count cells that start with a specific number in Excel

To make important decisions in life some of them will be based on the tally taken from certain figures. To account for cells in excel also will require you to know the total count of the cells. The tally then is used to make other vital decisions. Numbering and the use of numbers is common

How to count the cells that match multiple criteria in Excel

How to count the cells that match multiple criteria in Excel

Matching is the process or the act of comparing two or more items with similar characteristics. If the two items or objects happen to match, we call that a match. Data values in the excel sheet may also appear to match in that the values in the rows match those in the columns. The act

How to count cells that start with a number in Excel

How to count cells that start with a number in Excel

Numbers are numeral or numeric values that we often interact with within our daily activities. Numbers are vital because almost everything we do in the entire life often revolves around numbers. Numbers are commonly known as the digits or integers. In this scenario, we are dealing with the counting of cells in excel which start

How to delete every other row in Excel

How to delete every other row in Excel

Data recording into excel sheets may involve all wanted and unwanted records. You find that when you gather and collect data, it may have unwanted content that is not essential in the excel sheet. An example of such data is the use of only even numbers. Deleting is the act or the process of omitting

How to count cells that contain values in Excel

How to count cells that contain values in Excel

Having a blank cell in your excel sheet is no offense at all because your findings maybe match the data in the excel sheet but in most cases use a zero value other than leaving it blank. Since having empty cells in an excel sheet is inevitable, there is a need for a correct tally

How to count cells that contain text in Excel

How to count cells that contain text in Excel

The act of tallying a certain quantity to obtain or to reveal the number of items or several objects in a set is what we mostly refer to as counting. Counting is general and done in almost all aspects of life or our daily routines. In our daily lives, the majority of activities or scenarios