How to Concatenate Values of Pivot Table

How to Concatenate Values of Pivot Table

Concatenate is an excel function that allows you to join two or more strings together. When creating a Pivot table, you may want to combine data from two or more columns to form a single column. An example, you may wish to combine the names field with the address field to form a single column

List of EXCEL Date Functions

List of EXCEL Date Functions

1. TODAY function This function returns the current date. This function is useful when you want the current date displayed on your worksheet. The returned value will be updated each time the worksheet is recalculated or when you open the workbook. Syntax =TODAY () The function has no arguments. Example =TODAY() this function returns current

Find and Replace Using Multiple Values

Find and Replace Using Multiple Values

Find and replace is an excel feature used to search for specific data in an excel worksheet or within a workbook and what you do with the data found. This article will explore different ways you can use find and replace together with using advanced find features. Scanning through columns and rows in a large

If Functions with Three Conditions – Nested If Statement

If Functions with Three Conditions - Nested If Statement

The IF Function with a single condition IF Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE. Use IF to conduct tests on values and formulas. Syntax IF(logical_test,value_if_false) A logical test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. For

How to Find text in a range and return cell reference

How to Find text in a range and return cell reference

Advanced excel formulas can be used to lookup values or text in Excel and return the relative cell address. An INDEX function can be used to MATCH the lookup value in a range of cells. INDEX function can be used in two ways, INDEX reference and INDEX array The reference form returns the reference to

Excel Formulas for Accounting and Finance

Guide to Excel Accounting and Financial Functions

Excel spreadsheet is a common tool used by every accountant or financial analyst to analyze, report, and share financial information. Some basic excel functions let you perform complex calculations and produce useful models making your work more effective and easier. Excel can become a more versatile tool if you increase your knowledge on more other