How to find slope in Excel – Using formula and chart

How to find slope in Excel – Using formula and chart

In mathematics and other related fields, you may be required to calculate the slope of a given graph. The slope is the steepness of a graph or a given section within the graph. The slope of a graph is used to determine the steepness and the direction of the graph. In math, the slope is

How to combine First and Second Name in Excel

How to combine First and Second Name in Excel

Excel is a cell-based working platform, and therefore it is more convenient to place the first and the second name on each column. However, while working on this data, you may need to merge the first and the second name in one column. This may be possible using the following methods: Method 1: Using the

How to find circular reference in Excel

How to find circular reference in Excel

A circular reference in Excel will indicate that the formula calculation in a certain cell directly or indirectly refers to its cell once or several times hence creating an infinite loop. Despite it being unintended, a circular reference can slow down your spreadsheet. A direct circular reference occurs in Excel when a formula directly refers

In Excel, How to create a custom list – Easy step by step

How to create a custom list – Easy step by step

Excel offers users many built-in features they can use to organize and sort out their data. The Microsoft application gives you the choice of sorting out your data from A to Z or high to low. Despite this, you may want to sort out your data based on your preferred criteria. Excel gives you tools

In Excel, How to remove Macros from an Excel Workbook- 3 Easy Ways

Mastering Excel takes time and effort for a normal user. Unless you are an Excel expert, getting the hang of the advanced features might be a daunting and tiresome process. Unfortunately, not all commands are visible in an open worksheet. Removing Macros is a perfect example. You can automate repetitive tasks and make new functionalities

In Excel, How to remove the comma from Text and Numbers

How to remove the comma from Text and Numbers

Commas serve multiple purposes while working with spreadsheets. We use commas in Excel when working with both text and numbers. A "comma" can be used as a separator or as part of regular grammar in a text. You can use a comma to delimit values within the same cell. For example, the first and last

How to Add a Plus Sign Before the Number in Excel

How to add plus sign before the number in Excel

Excel is a great management tool that makes it easier to work with documents and large data files. Despite this, there are a few features in excel that may irritate you sometimes. One of these is adding a plus sign before a number. Microsoft Excel displays the negative numbers with a minus sign while the

In Excel, How to AUTOFIT text to rows/columns

How to AUTOFIT text to rows/columns

Any excel user already knows the application has a certain column width and row height by default. Also, when you try entering any data that exceeds the provided size, it spills out of the cell. Under such circumstances, you can adjust the rows and columns to fit the text within the cell. You can achieve

In Excel, How to sum only positive or Negative numbers – Formula

How to sum only positive or Negative numbers – Formula

When working with Excel datasheets, you may often need to conditional add the data. You may need to sum only the positive numbers or sum only the negative numbers in Excel. It can easily be done using the built-in formulas within Excel. Below, we guide you on how to do this. Let's look at the