How to Add Decimal Places in an Excel

How to Add Decimal Places in an Excel

You have to deal with the decimal places in excel data. It occurs mostly while dealing with the currency or counting numbers. Here are some ways. Automatic Add of Decimal Points while Typing It is the automatic add or the insert of the Decimal place/ point in the numbers. Steps. 1. Click the file tab.

How to Stop Excel from Converting Certain Text Values to Dates

How to Stop Excel from Converting Certain Text Values to Dates

The features in Excel are really smart and are very useful in many instances. These features, however, can be frustrating. For example, Excel automatically converts numbers to dates when you try entering the numbers as it assumes that you want to enter a date. Though you may want this, you want to enter the numbers

How to Add Leading Zeroes to Existing Excel Values to Certain Length

In the event of maintaining records in Excel like Employee IDs and Transaction IDs, you will need to add leading zeroes to the dataset. You can use various ways to do this through each method has its own sets of merits and demerits. The following are ways to add leading zeroes to existing excel values.

How to copy Excel Table to MS Word- 3 Easy Ways

How to copy Excel Table to MS Word- 3 Easy Ways

While working with MS word, you may need to import a table from excel and use it in your word document. Unfortunately, no feature or tool can be used to convert Excel tables to word tables. However, you can copy or insert the excel table into your MS word. In this article, we shall discuss

How to find circular reference in Excel

How to find circular reference in Excel

A circular reference in Excel will indicate that the formula calculation in a certain cell directly or indirectly refers to its cell once or several times hence creating an infinite loop. Despite it being unintended, a circular reference can slow down your spreadsheet. A direct circular reference occurs in Excel when a formula directly refers