Complete guide for creating hyperlinked data in Excel

Complete guide for creating hyperlinked data in Excel

A hyperlink enables users to navigate to a related webpage or file. In simple terms, this a "linked shortcut" that directs to a specified webpage or file location when clicked. Hyperlinks are usually highlighted in blue color and are a quick way of connecting to related information or program. Another use of hyperlinks includes the

How to copy conditional formatting in Excel

How to copy conditional formatting in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a powerful Microsoft application that business owners are utilizing today. This application combines simplicity with efficiency to increase business productivity. With so many tasks that you can perform using this application, there's room for you to learn new skills each day. The main reason why many people choose this feature of conditional

How to highlight duplicates in Excel

How to highlight duplicates in Excel

Conventional equation =COUNTIF(data,A1)>1   Explanation Note: Excel contains many implicit "presets" for featuring values with restrictive arranging, this incorporates to feature copy esteems moreover. In any case, in the event that you need greater adaptability, you can feature copies with your own equation, as clarified here. If you need to feature cells that contain copies

How to Change Legend Text in Excel?

How to Change Legend Text in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular MS applications in today's business world. The application is used in recording data and eventually in creating meaningful charts for visual data. However, most people face issues when they are considering taking some of the actions with excel. Legend names are created automatically from the data in

How to Format cell contents in Excel?

How to Format cell contents in Excel?

Formatting cells in Excel involves making the cells look more appealing. Other reasons for cell content formatting include: adding a formal look to your document as well stressing out the most important facts or information. Some of the various major formatting operations that can be accomplished in Excel include: 1. Merging selected cells Merging helps

Three ways in Excel, How to delete Duplicates?

Three ways in Excel, How to delete Duplicates?

Duplicates in Microsoft excel are more likely to be identical columns of particular data that you are working on within your worksheets. Clones can create more harm than good because they cause chaos which might cause businesses and people a sizeable amount of money, sometimes they can ruin a company's reputation that causes a lack

10 Best Excel Tips for Beginners

Tips for Beginners

Excel is a part of Microsoft office and the world's widely used spreadsheet application. Compared to other spreadsheets Excel is very rich and popular. Excel will surely make you perfect in every aspect of your job. Here are some tips for you to know: 1. Enter Long text using the abbreviation method You can use

Complete Guide on Security in Excel

Excel Security

Microsoft has always tried its best to see that its software is reliable and secure enough. Integrity is one of the core principles of Computer security. Data integrity involves ensuring that data or information remains accurate and relevant to those whom it may concern. This can be achieved by restricting unauthorized editing of a worksheet

Complete Guide, How to work with themes in Excel

How to work with themes in Excel

A theme can be described as a set of preconfigured fonts, colors, and styling behavior. Themes are usually applied to create a professional or good-looking appearance. Microsoft office suite has similar themes that can be applied to documents of various types. Being able to customize and set your favorite theme is, therefore, an added advantage