How to create a custom template in excel

How to create a custom template in excel

A template can be used to make new spreadsheets with predefined formulas and similar settings as it is a predesigned spreadsheet. Creating a custom template is helpful as you don't have to keep creating a similar excel spreadsheet every other time it's required. It makes this process smoother and more effective. Custom templates are valuable

How to activate a chart using Excel VBA

How to activate a chart using Excel VBA

Excel VBA is a feature on excel that allows the user to use the programming language of excel to open or create a certain thing on excel. Chart drawing is one of the features of excel software. On Excel, charts can be drawn using two methods: the chart tools method and activating Excel VBA. The

How to sort columns in pivot table in Excel

How to sort columns in pivot table in Excel

When the amount of data in a pivot chart or PivotTable is large, sorting it is quite important. Sorting is a way of keeping your data organized to make it easier when searching for specific items or information that requires more scrutiny. There are different ways to sort data, including using alphabetical order, organizing from

How to delete filtered data in excel

How to delete filtered data in excel

Excel, as many know it, is a program that helps its users to organize their data. In other words, filtered data is data displayed in rows, and it must have met certain conditions. Once data is filtered, the rest of the data is hidden. It contains columns and rows that contain data, and in which

How to make a cell inactive in MS Excel

How to make a cell inactive in MS Excel

Inactivating cell(s) in ms excel is pretty easy. Making the cell(s) inactive prevents the user from editing it, overwriting, or changing the content present on that particular cell. Through this feature, the data on the excel document is protected or locked. In Ms. Excel, the inactive is selected for all cells by default, and all

How to create a placeholder in excel

How to create a placeholder in exce

Placeholders can be easily created on excel. If you are working with a big worksheet with many graphics or working on a document that the user can add and delete previous details, excel slows in its operation and displays the graphics. This defect can, however, be controlled by the use of placeholders. This means that

How to insert special characters in Excel

Most Excel spreadsheets involve the use of numbers or texts in a cell. When you want to customize your Excel sheet, you can introduce characters and symbols into the sheet. You can add special characters like registered symbols, trademarks or insert symbols like tick marks, arrows, and cross marks. The symbols can either be found

How to use date reminders in excel

How to add a ghost cell in Excel

Reminders or notifications can be inserted into the excel document for purposes. This date reminder plays a vital role in ensuring a certain activity is not omitted and is done at the right time. Many users do not know this excel feature, and therefore only a few may realize the benefits behind it. However, others

How to add a ghost cell in Excel

How to add a ghost cell in Excel

A ghost cell is a cell that appears empty but contains some data. Creating Ghost cells in excel is possible, and users can use this feature to hide any data on the cells' cells. Confidential data on the ghost cell can be retrieved, be changed, and can also be formatted. Once the ghost cell is

How to limit decimal places in Excel

How to limit decimal places in Excel

When working with excel spreadsheets, sometimes we encounter decimals. Some data entries may have a lot of decimals such that it cannot fit in a cell. How may I limit all these decimals? It is a question you get to ask. It should not be a stressful factor to you as there are ways of