How to remove the first 5 characters in Excel

How to remove the first 5 characters in Excel

We all make use of excel when working with a large dataset, and most often, the data is not formatted in the way that we want. In fact, it is rare for you to work with data that does not require editing. There are several methods for adding and removing data from excel, and they

Excel: How to Drag Without Changing Numbers

Excel: How to Drag Without Changing Numbers

Thank God for copy/pasting, where would we be without it? Some of us like to Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V everything, including Excel formulas. There's just a little problem though – cell referencing changes when you copy cells with formulas, which can set things completely out of whack. This is how to copy cell values and formulas without changing

How to Compare Three Excel Columns

How to Compare Three Excel Columns

If you need to compare cell values in three different columns, you likely realize that it is a different game altogether compared to when you're only dealing with 2 columns. The standard formulas may or may not work depending on the data's complexity and the desired results, but we will help you do just that.

Excel: How to remove last 4 characters

Excel how to remove last 4 characters

Sometimes you may get data attached to some other data that you don't require. Luckily, Excel allows you to get rid of the extra characters. In this tutorial, we are going to look at how you can eliminate the last 4 characters. Apart from removing the last characters, you can also remove the first characters

How to delete first 5 characters in Excel

Excel how to delete first 5 characters

Sometimes you have data containing characters you don't need in Excel. They can either exist before or after your data. Deleting these characters is easy by following these techniques. You can delete the first 5 characters by using the right function or using the VB code editor. Let us look see how you can you

Excel how to count the number of cells that contain texts

Excel how to count the number of cells that contain texts

You can carry out simple arithmetic operations on excel, and it mainly involves numbers. However, you can also manipulate texts and other special characters in your cells. When dealing with texts and numbers, you may wish to know the number of cells containing texts. There are several formulas in excel that you can use for

Excel: How to make a line graph

Excel: How to make a line graph

No one loves raw data because they are very boring and confusing. But Graphs can display these data in a very attractive and simplified way. Line graphs are otherwise called line charts. Excel has several graphing tools for different purposes, but the line graph simplifies graphing work and forecasts data. You can use line graphs