How to Highlight Rows based on a Cell Value in Excel

How to Highlight Rows based on a Cell Value in Excel

Sometimes, you may need to highlight the entire row based on a particular cell value. If you are working on a large dataset, you need to know how to highlight the entire row based on cell value quickly. This article will discuss ways of highlighting rows based on the partial match. Using Conditional Formatting Tool

How to check Excel add-ins version

How to check Excel add-ins version

Add-ins are external tools that are used to provide and automate tasks in Excel. Like any other software, add-ins software is categorized according to its version. This article will discuss workarounds related to Excel add-ins. To check the Excel Add-ins Version 1] Check the version of already installed Add-ins Steps to follow: 1. Open the

How do I add 3 months to a date in Excel?

How do I add 3 months to a date in Excel?

Date operations surround almost all Excel users. If you are not some values to date, you are subtracting some values. Therefore, learning and understanding how to deal with mathematical operations related to date in Excel are necessary. This article will briefly discuss ways of adding 3 months to a given date. Using the EDATE Function

How do I copy emails from outlook to Excel?

How do I copy emails from outlook to Excel

Outlook is one of the best tools for working with emails. The tool organizes emails well and is compatible with other third parties tools and extensions. Outlook promotes the massive sending of emails and allows the creation of multiple accounts. Have you ever tried exporting or copying emails from outlook to Excel? To new users,

How to find the area under the graph in Excel

How to find the area under the graph in Excel

Area Under graph is a common concept in integral and data science classes. Did you know you can find the area under the graph using the Excel Tool? There is no in-built tool or function for calculating the area under the graph in Excel. However, some workarounds can be used to determine the area of

How to find Excel AutoSaved files

How to find Excel AutoSaved files

The Autosave feature in Excel saves the document while working on it. Sometimes, the Excel application may crash while you are working on the document before you save it. If this scenario happens to you, do not panic. The Autosave feature saves documents automatically, and therefore you do not have to save the document by

How to Extract Number from a string in Excel

How to Extract Number from a string in Excel

If you have worked on a dataset that contains numbers and strings, you may have realized there’s no in-built function that can be used to extract numbers from a string. Sometimes you may have a dataset that you need to extract numbers from its strings. Doing this manually may be tiresome and time-consuming. Thankfully, this

How to retrieve unsaved data in Excel

How to retrieve unsaved data in Excel

Sometimes, while working on Excel, the app may crash or shut down before you’ve done saving your document. Unfortunately, one may forget to save the file before closing the app or the Excel may close automatically when the PC is switched off. Thankfully, Excel allows users to retrieve unsaved data. Let us discuss ways of

How to count the frequency of a text in a column

How to count the frequency of a text in a column

Frequency is the total number of text in a given dataset. Sometimes, you may have a large dataset that you need to check the number of occurrences of a given text. To check the frequency of text in a larger dataset is tedious and may be time-consuming. Several methods and functions can ease counting the